EU+US Rogue Pvp Movie!

I thought it was rather... generic?

There's nothing particularly amazing going on, it's just duels for the most part and the music doesn't help. If I had to pick a clip I liked I'd say the 1v1 with the Paladin where you first aid and all was reasonably interesting.

I would've liked to see arenas.
Generic and not very interesting; each kill was exactly the same: "cheap, spam some ability and dead".

When you did show something different, such as he blind/bandage moment, it just highlighted how terrible the generic base community is. Why not just stealth into sap/cheap rather than allowing him to hit you and having to vanish?
nice video and welcome to bracket ;)
m8 you don't even play how can you welcome anyone to the bracket :^)
well i spend around 2 hours on daily bases in durotar all alone man where's all 70 horde :( Feels like garrison with full 19-29 lvl twinks as pets running around ;D
i couldn't watch it, that zoom in so you can't see the UI really bothers me for some reason.
most of the music is poop, you arent doing anything special(didnt even re-stealth while bandaging vs the pally. you highlighted the fact that u "Cheat Death" ok whats the point?!?! spamming ur strafe buttons doesnt do anything besides make u look like a asswipe. basically its just battleground footage synced with music. having warglaives doesnt make u a god :)

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