Rogue MH/OH enchants

MH: I've heard fiery is the best MH enchant. But lifestealing does 30dmg/heals you for 30. Can lifestealing crit? Which is better for pugging? and what about 15agi?

OH: I saw Rayu's rogue with lifestealing in OH as well as MH. The proc rate is cut in half for OH enchants correct? Would 15agi be best here for the static crit/dodge/AP, or should i go LS or fiery for burst DPS?

My setup will be: MH Cruel Barb/OH Wingblade

I do pugs for the vast majority.

What are your suggestions for enchants?




I run...

Cruel Agil / Thiefs Agil for rogue fights.

Cruel Fiery x 2 For burning down FC's and Warriors/Pally's.

Cruel LS / Cruel Agil for everything else.
the proc rate for OH's is not cut in half....its just significantly less b/c rogues dont have any specials that hit with the OH at 19. it has the same chance as the MH to proc off every white hit, its just that the MH has that chance + the chance to proc off specials.

as for enchants; i see 15 agi on both for fighting rogues, and 2x fiery for general pvp. seems to work very well. LS is pretty good, but i just dont like it as much, the HP regain is that game breaking especially with herbalism and bandaids like mentioned above
Can we please get a sticky on rogue wep enchants soon? These threads are being created every week.

Dude, it depends on what you're doin and what you preffer. I would suggest fiery/LS in MH and 15 agi on OH.
I like to be different with my rogue (when I use to play one)

she used the following setups

crusader / agi - for fun

fiery / agi - dps

fiery / fiery - for fun

agi / agi - rogue fights

crusader / crusader - for fun

Agility is still needed in offhand. If you only have two swords, don't go dual anything unless it's agility. Honestly good rogues switch weapons/chants for the circumstance. Dual fiery has it's place against heavy armor and fc's. But if I see you running that setup, I'm going to roflpwn you on my rogue.
Honestly, get a Sticky on it and have the title be in red with some flash making it look on fire or some shit cuz every DAY there is one of these and the answer is always the same... get em all enchanted in different things for different situations.
ah well why not:

1. these posts are made quit a lot, sticky could be an idea indeed?

2. i used to love LS untill I learned to use bandage properly (my rogue does not have herb as I like using my xploit goggs sometimes (ye shoot me). I seem to agree with Doffe once again on the LS (and Falkor in this thread).

3. from my experience (and I'm not saying I'm a brilliant rogue but I manage quite ok) dual agil is very usefull and agil OH and fiery MH is very nice too. Crusader I don't use a great deal as I find it less reliable. My dual agil setup is SF+AB (ye shoot me again for AB but I like it). When (.... when) I get second SF I'll probably put fiery on it. So to be perfectly honest, me liking dual agi could have a lot to do with me having a SF agi and a pvp sword fiery.

So dual agi against rogues (my favorite fights on rogue, I look for these in bg's) and agi OH fiery MH for most other stuf.

Just confirming really, if that's any use.
/sign for making a sticky with best points from all previous posts

I've read in 29 rogue forum posts that +5 dmg on MH is better than fiery/LS/sader/agil, someone did the math. Does it not apply to 19 as well?
mm, 29 rogues are more about the big opener but weapon dmg is a solid chant. Just isnt as flashy with little numbers flying everywhere.
Doffe said:
5 weapon damage is better for a ambush/BS specc at 29.

yeah, i think he was asking about how it compared in 19's as a main chant.
Omgimarogue, you were in a WSG with me last night. I feel like we're on the same skill level, really wanted to get a 1v1 with you but never could.

Sorry you got stuck with that terrible pug.

If you see Elëcktrå shoot me a wave or something. = )
Every rogue should get 8 CB's minimum and have every possible chant X2. Icy (optional) sader, firey and lifestealing. Also get 8X TB's. This should be no problem in patch 3.2 rogues should be able to solo most of DM. The reason there is an ongoing debate about rogue weapons is because they are good for differnt things. I think rogues should accept this and get every possible weapon permutation available so if someone says "[insert weapon + chant] is better" you can just bust them out. Might want to get a couple of shadowfangs and some BoA weapons too.

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