If you strike out on all quest items and have the tenacity you can also farm a pale skinnerBiS would be any epic weapons (ilvl 32) with 8 agility. Corpseweed Sickle, Filthy Paw, Waptor Thwapper and Emergency Hatchet for mainhand. Slicer Blade, Long Bayonet, Darrington’s Dirk and Survival Knife for offhand.
You need a Sword/Mace/Axe mainhand for dispatch, daggers work for offhand because only stats matter there and Slicer Blade is farmable. Second best would be agility, stamina, crit and third best just agi, stam I think.
Yes, Pale Skinner is also farmable but I wouldn’t recommend it. 0.5-1% drop from a rare spawn with 2% chance to upgrade could take months if you’re unlucky.If you strike out on all quest items and have the tenacity you can also farm a pale skinner
Getting all three of these can also take hundreds and hundreds of rerolls. I've heard stories of people rerollin like 700 times for this to happenmainhand, Soothsaying Vest and Sparkproof Gloves.
Getting all three of these can also take hundreds and hundreds of rerolls. I've heard stories of people rerollin like 700 times for this to happen
Pick your poison lol
I mean if you dont mind farming BoEs the only thing that might be worth rerolling is soothsayers. You can always just run gloves of the fang with glove reinforcements > sparkproofHow much of an advantage would doing that give as opposed to blues or farmable epics?