Rogue Gear

^^Thank you for the how to. Very informative.

Alright then. Another question, how do you beat paladin?

WiNADiN said:
^^Thank you for the how to. Very informative.

Alright then. Another question, how do you beat paladin?


Kick and gouge, if BE blow arcane torrent when they're close to dead to prevent BoP or LoH, hope AGM is on CD. Alternatively, sit in stealth while teammate brings them below 30% HP and then snipe the KB with an ambush.
Okay with kick and gouge. But towards last part, im talking bout 1v1. We try to giht it out 1v1 in Gurubashi arena. Is backstab useful? Like is it worth switching to dagger and backstabbing or is backstab same as or weaker then sinister strike?

Also, on specs: is the increased. 75% OH Damage worth giving up shadowstep? All i see for pvP is sub rogues, just wonderin. And then to mutilate, whats dif b/t mut and SS?
WiNADiN said:
Okay with kick and gouge. But towards last part, im talking bout 1v1. We try to giht it out 1v1 in Gurubashi arena. Is backstab useful? Like is it worth switching to dagger and backstabbing or is backstab same as or weaker then sinister strike?

Also, on specs: is the increased. 75% OH Damage worth giving up shadowstep? All i see for pvP is sub rogues, just wonderin. And then to mutilate, whats dif b/t mut and SS?

sub is by far the most viable due to shs mobility in gulch and the 30% agi bonus giving a ton of ap/crit and dodge. From what i here backstab isn't worth it unless your trying to get a waylay proc.
WiNADiN said:
^^Thank you for the how to. Very informative.

Alright then. Another question, how do you beat paladin?


beat on them untill they get low and deside to start a heal saving your 5 point evis, kick the heal, evis, pop arcane torrent to silence them completely and finish beating on them if you cant take them down in time after the arcane torrent then gouge and beat on them some more.

WiNADiN said:
Okay with kick and gouge. But towards last part, im talking bout 1v1. We try to giht it out 1v1 in Gurubashi arena. Is backstab useful? Like is it worth switching to dagger and backstabbing or is backstab same as or weaker then sinister strike?

Also, on specs: is the increased. 75% OH Damage worth giving up shadowstep? All i see for pvP is sub rogues, just wonderin. And then to mutilate, whats dif b/t mut and SS?

nothing in any of the other talent trees is worth giving up either the shadowstep or the increased agility. remember that 1 agi is worth 2 AP for a rogue, so that extra 20% agility you get from going sub gives you 40% more attack power.

backstab is beyond useless in 1v1 because it costs so much energy and doens't do enough damage to compensate. in a WSG it isn't a bad idea to have a dagger in your bags and a backstab macro in case your ambush doesn't proc waylay on the EFC but that is the only use for it.

for mut you need 2 daggers which is going to be significantly lower damage also since the majority of a rogues damage is still going to come from white hits the higher the base weapon damage the better. It is also not worth loosing the utility of shadow step.

It has already been proven that the absolute highest DPS from a rogue at 19 comes in the combat tree since it increases your chance to hit and energy regen rate. however it isnt about highest DPS though, it is about highest burst damage. Sub is the best there.
Gurubashi arena is a terrible place for a rogue to duel since you can't los to restealth or bandage, at that point the advantage goes to any class that you can't gib in an opener.
rogue duels require the most skill
Rivfader said:
Not sure if you're being sarcastic or dense. Please confirm.

this being twinkinfo, i'm pretty sure its 50/50
lol guys. Next thing: I see that the subrogue set has like all crit rating. But i also see peuces of tjhe same slot with no crit rating but 1 agi. Isnt agi more important then crit rating? besides increasing our damage, doesnt agi also incr crit %?

So crit rating or agi?

Also, i read somewhere (idnt remembr where) that against mail armor its best to use fiery enchants instead of +15 agi's, this true also? And if the above is true, Lifestealing or Fiery?
WiNADiN said:
Also, i read somewhere (idnt remembr where) that against mail armor its best to use fiery enchants instead of +15 agi's, this true also? And if the above is true, Lifestealing or Fiery?

You read correctly. And since every opponent you face will be wearing mail armor, it would be wise to say that Fiery Enchant on both of your weapons is the only sound, logical decision.

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