Rogue Gear

Ive been following Curleys Rogue Guide for 19s, alliance, the subtlety setup. I have no BoAs and no acess to Shadowfang.

Ive noticed that the setup stacks alot of crit rating, I know this makes more likely to crit but i was told it doesnt increase the actual damage. Why doesnt he focus on more agi to incr the damage?

Is there a more balanced rogue setup? I think after finshing setup with 2 AGMs ill be just over 1k HP. Im questioning the guide because my pally friend who i duel hits 300s on me with certain moves and i cant come close to that in PvP.

Im asking if crit rating is what we should be stacking up on, instead of max agi, and if anyone has a better balance setup?
And for weapons if my Protectors Sword and Cruel Barb are BiS without BoAs and Shadowfang? I also have keeshans dagge but was told swords better with SS and Ambush.
Personally, if i didnt have shadowfangs, i would not roll a rogue. Second, if i REALLY wanted to roll a rogue, i would have BoAs. i Dont even know what to tell you about weps since i wouldnt even think about re rolling rogue without said items. I dont know what to tell you, but most other classes dont rely so much on certain items like rogues do.
Well to begin with, Should i go duel cruel barb, duel skele maces, or protect sword and one of em, or something else entirely?

I know you wouldnt roll rogue, but i would, and i did. If trying to get more people to join a bracket, its best to help those new comers.
WiNADiN said:
Ive been following Curleys Rogue Guide for 19s, alliance, the subtlety setup. I have no BoAs and no acess to Shadowfang.

Ive noticed that the setup stacks alot of crit rating, I know this makes more likely to crit but i was told it doesnt increase the actual damage. Why doesnt he focus on more agi to incr the damage?

Is there a more balanced rogue setup? I think after finshing setup with 2 AGMs ill be just over 1k HP. Im questioning the guide because my pally friend who i duel hits 300s on me with certain moves and i cant come close to that in PvP.

Im asking if crit rating is what we should be stacking up on, instead of max agi, and if anyone has a better balance setup?

All i read was this:

1. I don't have access to BoAs

2. I don't have access to Shadowfangs.

Roll a different class, the 19 bracket has too many rogues. If your not going to go the extra mile to get BiS gear, then don't even start one.
Mrcer said:
All i read was this:

1. I don't have access to BoAs

2. I don't have access to Shadowfangs.

Roll a different class, the 19 bracket has too many rogues. If your not going to go the extra mile to get BiS gear, then don't even start one.

or... you know, just sort of, farm the heirlooms?

no, if i recall, skeletal maces > protectors swords and whatever..

but i would like to take a moment to call you on your bullshit here.

there is NO such thing, as "not having access to heirlooms" (cloaks and head not included). farm honor -> convert to juicy JP (omnomnom so juicy) -> enjoy heirlooms.
curleypwnsu said:
Stupid people are stupid...

Well, the OP wrote that he doesn't have access to BoA's and you still decided to give him the smart advice to use BoA weapons.

I guess you are one of the smart people.
_Arkant_ said:
Well, the OP wrote that he doesn't have access to BoA's and you still decided to give him the smart advice to use BoA weapons.

I guess you are one of the smart people.

Anybody can get BOA's now on any lvl... who is the smart one now lmfao
curleypwnsu said:
Anybody can get BOA's now on any lvl... who is the smart one now lmfao

Then tell him that like Chill did instead of making comments which don't answer the OP's question at all.

Do you want him to punch his opponents with his fists until he got the BoA weapons?
You people are forgetting what twinking meant back in the day without all these heirlooms. SF's are and always have been rare, saying that noone rolled a rogue without them is bullshit.

Sure, no heirloom sets are no longer BiS, but but the extra few agil and crit don't make or break a rogue, skill does.
Cashmar said:
You people are forgetting what twinking meant back in the day without all these heirlooms. SF's are and always have been rare, saying that noone rolled a rogue without them is bullshit.

Sure, no heirloom sets are no longer BiS, but but the extra few agil and crit don't make or break a rogue, skill does.

Twinking is and always was about getting the best gear available. If you think that a little extra agility or crit rating doesn't matter then you are wrong here I guess.
Lol well thankyou for the helpful advice ftom some guys. When u said anyone can farm BoAs, I was under the impression that the only BoAs that are able to be purchased by honor were those fromthat vendor in the old town of SW. Convert Honor to JP - im not sure what JP is tbh. When i said no access to BoAs i meant my highest lvl is a 61 War and i cant afford to spend money on WotLK and Cata.

Besides using lvl 80s, the only way i know of getting BoAs thru expensive guild purchases and thru the previously mentioned Vendor in SW (who doesnt hve like any of the BoAs that most twinks run around with).
Cashmar said:
You people are forgetting what twinking meant back in the day without all these heirlooms. SF's are and always have been rare, saying that noone rolled a rogue without them is bullshit.

Sure, no heirloom sets are no longer BiS, but but the extra few agil and crit don't make or break a rogue, skill does.

Back in the day there were viable alternatives to tide you over till you got SF, those alternatives have since been nerfed to lvl 15 or 16 items. Additionally back in the day full BiS twinks were nowhere near as common in the gulch as they are now and all that was really required in BC was nethercleft and some class appropriate greens and blues with enchants on them. The times have changed and the people you are facing are far better equipped.

On topic: Roll a DK, farm honor and convert to JP for heirloom weapons since the only other alternatives are poor choices no matter how you slice it.

Edit: You can purchase justice points with honor from the honor trade goods vendor in SW/org and then buy BoAs from the justice heirloom vendors in SW/org. No expansions or level capped characters are required to obtain BoAs anymore, even a lvl 1 farming honor in world PvP could eventually buy them, I would suggest using your 61 warrior to honor farm :p
Rivfader said:
On topic: Roll a DK, farm honor and convert to JP for heirloom weapons since the only other alternatives are poor choices no matter how you slice it

No WOTLK = no DK
easiest solution:

do at LEAST 5000 pushups and situps.

get a haircut.

sell your body to reckless college girls who craves body shots. you dont actually need to be pretty, you just need those abs gained in step 1.

take profit, buy wotlk, ROLL A DK.

farm so many hpts your fingers start collapsing into dust.

college girls will go bankrupt! umad noheirloomfags?

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