Pizza said:Feet of the Lynx is better than Footpads of the Fang.
Best Rogue EU said:i use fang boots because one time i dueled ryrith and i lost because he dodged my sap(
also like someone else already said expertise is very nice because warlocks always dodge gouge while they are casting fear !!
AntÃsocial said:lol srsly dude... you aren't best rogue eu..I'm best rogue in EU and will always can you be best if you lost 2 ryrith? he not good at all so... and expertise won't rly help much againste a warlock....learn to think like tink.
curleypwnsu said:lmao r u guys kidding feet of the lynx is definately best for a ambush rogue / backstab expertise is useless for that
RizenPhoenix said:Learn the mechanics of the game before making silly statements like this. 4 Expertise + 1 Stam > 3 Agi. You aren't going to lol1shot people as Sub anymore come patch, so I'd suggest you prepare now. Besides, Mut > Sub IMO