Rogue / disc 2v2 video


fastest shadowstep in the west
2v2 Rogue / disc feat. Mstd - YouTube

Hello everyone. I am looking for some feedback and constructive criticism on my rogue play and editing (I only have windows mm available for editing at the moment, just fyi).
I am fairly new to rogue as this twink is the first time I'm playing rogue PvP above level 19, and I hit 70 about 3 weeks ago.
I'm sure I have a lot of things to improve on, but keep the flaming down please, I am only trying to learn. :)
aloot of nice saps yo, well played, now specc shadowstep!!! :p
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Ah yes, forgot to mention that these games were at 1800-1900 mmr. Did go 2k rating after I finished the video, and I am going to start working on another one.
As for feedback on what I can improve on, is this too low mmr to tell?
She hit rogue 70 about 3 weeks ago.. she's already 2k mmr.. she's doing fine. Why the need to quote mmr all the time?
have you watched the video yourself? she said she was looking for feedback and i simply said the opponents were shit. you dont need to defend your girlfriend buddy, im sure she can speak for herself :D

The whole of the 70 bracket is shit. Oh, and I havn't heard that one since pre-school.
I don't intend this as flaming but i just can't take these videos serious atm. I mean no offense but you shouldn't win against a prot pala, regardless of skill. It takes a special kind of retarded to lose to a rogue as a prot pala in the current state of the game (at 70)
I don't intend this as flaming but i just can't take these videos serious atm. I mean no offense but you shouldn't win against a prot pala, regardless of skill. It takes a special kind of retarded to lose to a rogue as a prot pala in the current state of the game (at 70)

Pretty much, and as Jicz has already said, you can't really comment on how good someone is when the opponents they're against are clearly not that good.

Imagine it in a different environment completely: Take Fernando Torres in his current form and play him against sunday league teams, chances are he will score hundreds of goals, put him against equal opposition and he is currently struggling pretty badly.

For those of you who don't follow football in the foggiest, Torres plays for Chelsea who are in the top tier of the English league and is paid tens of thousands each week, whilst sunday league players aren't even paid.
you should use clos less. looks like you use it by default every time you vanish, not needed since you're playing with priest anyway
Yup, that is something I'm actively improving on and have improved since the video. My partner Mstd kept telling me the same thing ^^
Thanks for coming with some actual feedback ;3
There is more skill going on from 1700-1900 than 1900-2100 because of all the fotm protpally/discs running around :/

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