Rogue Ban Appeal

This thread is kinda pointless. Most of the rogues that give us issues are randoms with a lack of gear and enchants. They will never read this thread.
I agree with this thread. When I was leveling a new toon from 10-19 in XP ON WSG, games were basically won or lost based on the amount of rogues a team had... or how many douchebags were scrolled. Shaman don't purge in XP ON bracket for some reason.
Meh not a real problem on my sham, tho on my lock they are. IDK, with great power comes the great possibility of getting randomly teleported to the gy. Guess Im on the fence about it. Besides Trolls will group que rogues then blame it on game/map design.
As good as it sounds, i guess it'll never happen. Let's just hope for a nerf on rogues...
Finally rogues piss me off soo much there just more noobs who want me to carry
So, all the cool kids camp GY, tell people that it's because of uncompetitive games, then whine about the amount of rogues people make on alliance, no doubt in an attempt to escape GY?

I don't know man, sounds like horse shit.

Usually the whole cause and effect thing happens like

Cause > effect

But since farming has been around since before rogues were specifically an issue for alliance...

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I am on my way to bis with my 24 rogue and have to wonder if this is serious. I am continuously frustrated with the fact that beyond ambush>hemo, I am simply a target dummy praying I can get a restealth.

I have taken to dueling other twinks repeatedly in the hopes of narrowing down some form of control/burst I can use to effectively eliminate any 1 target and have yet to find it. Lacking the ability to close gaps, contain a target due to lack of energy or simply dealing with fear/stun/root as an immediate reaction from any player decently geared leaves me chasing a target that can generally out heal my poisons while I cuss about my lack of connection to my target.

I can understand why too many rogues gimps a team as I am truly attempting to contribute to any team I am a part of. Sadly, my only utility atm seems to be the initial sap + waiting for a teammate to injure an enemy so I can move in for a kill ( meaning I deal 0 damage in the meantime).

I have put a fair amount of time into this toon and digress that I don't like the idea of starting over to appease players around me that aren't aware of how to deal with melee threats. Am I alone in this assertion?

If the community truly wants less rogues, if there a class/role that is desired?
I am on my way to bis with my 24 rogue and have to wonder if this is serious. I am continuously frustrated with the fact that beyond ambush>hemo, I am simply a target dummy praying I can get a restealth.

I have taken to dueling other twinks repeatedly in the hopes of narrowing down some form of control/burst I can use to effectively eliminate any 1 target and have yet to find it. Lacking the ability to close gaps, contain a target due to lack of energy or simply dealing with fear/stun/root as an immediate reaction from any player decently geared leaves me chasing a target that can generally out heal my poisons while I cuss about my lack of connection to my target.

I can understand why too many rogues gimps a team as I am truly attempting to contribute to any team I am a part of. Sadly, my only utility atm seems to be the initial sap + waiting for a teammate to injure an enemy so I can move in for a kill ( meaning I deal 0 damage in the meantime).

I have put a fair amount of time into this toon and digress that I don't like the idea of starting over to appease players around me that aren't aware of how to deal with melee threats. Am I alone in this assertion?

If the community truly wants less rogues, if there a class/role that is desired?

The only reason people complain about rogues is because too much of them basically leaves no mid presence in wsg.

Rogues have always had a 1 click 1 hit button, so anyone complaining about that needs to move on to a different game.

Sure, too many rogues = less mid presence - but that doesn't mean that rogues are any less of a useful class than any other.

Except hunters.

They're fucking cool.

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That's not what I said, I'm talking about rogues.

I'm supporting them in saying that they've always been bursty, so anyone still complaining about that needs to catch up.

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I meant the quote in humor. I am finding an extreme lack of burst with my rogue and wonder if I am missing something obvious. I generally attept to sap a secondary target and open on primary with ambush > hemo > evisc. I am finding any class lives through this and the presense of a bubble/hot completely mitigates the damage I deal as the target strafes away from me.

Should I focus only on injured targets?
I meant the quote in humor. I am finding an extreme lack of burst with my rogue and wonder if I am missing something obvious. I generally attept to sap a secondary target and open on primary with ambush > hemo > evisc. I am finding any class lives through this and the presense of a bubble/hot completely mitigates the damage I deal as the target strafes away from me.

Should I focus only on injured targets?

As a rogue right now, you should be picking your battles and bursting on priority targets like healers and more squishy flag carriers who may be in bad position instead of just running around ambushing the first thing you see, or chasing down some injured player who may have split from their pack. Be aware of what your main ranged dps is targeting and try to help finish off kills if it's a target worth dropping; make effective uses of sap to create distance and distractions.

With the shape of the bracket right now, rogues are generally useless after an opener. They have no real means of escape or creating distance and almost anything can toss a dot on an offensive rogue to render them even more useless for the duration of that dot. So unless you can drop your target or do enough damage for your team to finish it off and get away without getting killed, it's best to choose your battles wisely and open on targets that will have the most effect on their team when killed. Opening on a target without killing it and trying to get back to your team puts extra strain on healers because rogues will have a huge target on their back after opener and healers may spend mana and resources healing a rogue that would have been better spent on a more sustained dps class, the flag carrier or another healer.
Good luck getting a team with 6 rogues on it to report rogues afk................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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