Rogue Ban Appeal

Boomkins are decent, pretty good if they have heals, but most of em i can take 1v1 lol
Have a question about afking ppl. Some time ago some "nice" people tried to afk me the entire game cuz i was undergeared and i ended up winning the game for them but thats another story.

Fact is they failed because everytime i got that debuff i entered combat and they needed to try and afk me again.. basically i kept the combat state everytime i got that debuff.

Now the question is, how can you force them out of the game since my fellas failed to do so?

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When you get enough votes as once, you get instantly kicked from the bg... Idk if that's what you meant or the fact that it's hard to get enough people to vote people afk but there you go.
This idea is stupid. Might as well make a boomkin ban because they're OP too.

The problem isn't that rogues are OP. It's that rogues (without Commanding Shout :p) have zero mid presence unless they're consistently opening on a teammate's burst.

1-2 solid rogues in a game can be fun. They force you to pay attention and support your FC. It mixes things up a bit when you know that even picking the flag isn't guaranteed (looking at Purloiner here). 4-5 rogues makes for shit games where half your team gets contained and the other half tries to stall for 20 minutes. It's boring to play against and miserable to play with. Usually just makes for really annoying 3 caps.

Is it actually fun playing a rogue in games like that?
Have a question about afking ppl. Some time ago some "nice" people tried to afk me the entire game cuz i was undergeared and i ended up winning the game for them but thats another story.

Fact is they failed because everytime i got that debuff i entered combat and they needed to try and afk me again.. basically i kept the combat state everytime i got that debuff.

Now the question is, how can you force them out of the game since my fellas failed to do so?

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Pretty convoluted way of asking "how do you afk people?".
Yeah, imagine i would rely on a wall of text to ask such simple question if that was my quest. Smart.. smart indeed.

Nah, it is pretty clear you endeavored to throw in some pointless forum posturing.
the moment they try this in the EU i'm rolling a rogue... i love to feel loved!
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Please make sure you get as many people as you can to see this. I want everyone aware.

People have urged me to make this thread and want this rule implemented.

I said around a month ago that if the rogue situation would continue I would have to revert to a ban limit. It has come to that point that I must intervene for a change. People who play rogues may not like it but we can't move into more competitive atmosphere with 5-6 rogues every game. Dirt Nasty provided proof of this rogue infestation in his thread Moving away from rogues

Why do people want a Rogue Ban implemented?

Well there are a few reasons:

-They hit so much obviously being the main one. Players can't do anything unless they have cds up or have insane fast reaction time.
- Non rogues cant do much when they face 5-6 rogues. It's just waiting game till they decide to triple ambush someone.
-Healers can't predict burst with rogues instantly 1k+ critting someone. Makes the job as a healer that more frustrating.
-If the rogues don't help their team, they will just get farmed the whole game. People complain about getting farmed all game(most likely because you have a ton of rogues on your team=/ )
-All in all it just makes games so boring only vsing 5 visible players.

For the less undergeared/no name rogues(you know the guys)
-Many do not help their team with returns and just suicide ambush the nearest opposing enemy.
-Alot of the time they can't co-ordinate well enough to bring efc's/players down

I play a rogue, how can I get out of this dilemma?

Well, the obvious choice would be to make another class to help better the competitiveness of the bracket
or if you really like playing your rogue and don't intend to make another class please give your details in the registered rogue list(Won't be 100% reliable though, you may still get reported.)

How will the Rogue Ban work?

The maximum amount of rogues a faction can have is 2
All other rogues above the limit that are not on the registered list will be reported afk. If there are more than 2 registered rogues your team will be required to decide which ones to afk(Ik it sounds like it might not work all the time but there is really nothing I can suggest in that situation)
At the start of the game players must report rogues based off the rules in this thread. Please make sure you say whom you are reporting in BG chat so everyone is aware( and remember to report when the gates open).

To qualify for this list you will need to provide your armory link and must have ''close to BiS gear'' as well as having ''played for a significant amount of time over the last month''

Registered Rogue List:

If you have any suggestions you want to add for this ban please post below.

Why not just ban everything BUT rogues instead? It solves every problem including gy farming! How can you farm a team that you cannot see :O

2 birds with one stone imo.
Put me on the list, I'm primarily going to play other twinks but I will still play rogue on occasion regardless.

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