With WOTLK around the corner, everyone is quickly trying to finish out their 60 twinks and mains with Naxx 40 gear as it is getting removed in WOTLK. When wrath rolls around, a lot of those 60s will be queuing into BGs with the prospect of holding their own in a sea of 69s. This is possible due to 80 gems and enchants becoming available for 60s in wrath. As a result, extremely high secondary stats will become achievable, evening the playing field in the 60-69 bracket.
This is not my guild nor my idea. This is a revival guild from original wrath days.
We are on Pagle Alliance, and would love to see your coveted 60 Naxx toon in our guild. A lot of great bgs and raids are around the corner, come join the fun!
All welcome, from new boosted 58s that want to Twink 60, to gem and naxx geared 60s looking for hardcore guild
<Rockin the Nine Set>
Pagle US Alliance
This is not my guild nor my idea. This is a revival guild from original wrath days.
We are on Pagle Alliance, and would love to see your coveted 60 Naxx toon in our guild. A lot of great bgs and raids are around the corner, come join the fun!
All welcome, from new boosted 58s that want to Twink 60, to gem and naxx geared 60s looking for hardcore guild
<Rockin the Nine Set>
Pagle US Alliance