RNG Gaming, looking serious RBG's!!

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Opening with cheap shot and garrote on the priest? i'd personally just trinket and fear, if it fails its a 3 second kidney max cause of drs, and the chances are it won't even be that cause of combo points. Pom should mitigate half an ambush, meaning 1.5 to land, roughly 6-7k with synapse up. Once out of this you still have ps, if they blind mage he can trinket and get atleast 1 deep before the other blind comes in. I think you seem to forget that your scenario above relies on the rogue rogue team playing a perfect match, you seem to forget that the mage can pet nova timed with when the priest trinkets, you also seem to forget that rogues can be caught out of stealth. ANYWAYS, no point arguing, just rogue/rogue isn't as much of a counter as you think it is.

Good luck with the rbgs eleanor :) I'm sure they're alot of fun still .. or not
Boom, boom, boom, drama in this room :|
And when you trinket, they'll will/trinket the fear, vanish and kill you when drs are gone. Even if the mage manage to nova them both out when they vanish they could still cloak, double sap to get the eyes and kill you when their cloaks are up again.If you think rogue/rogue ain't a hard-counter to mage/priest then you're clueless, completely clueless. Either way, won't argue with you anymore because I'm sure you won't change your mind about it, and neither will I.
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Unless the rogues cloak have less cd then the priests trinket I dont see an issue in killing the priest, Which the trinket obviously has since cloak has 1½ min cd I suppose

Yes Cyber, cus there is nothing called shadowsight in arena......sometimes Cyber sometimes....
Yes Cyber, cus there is nothing called shadowsight in arena......sometimes Cyber sometimes....

Sap>Take shadowsight >Stealth, what about shadowsight now again, when you play double rogue?

Well, when you faced me and eleanor the eye didnt even spawn, you forced me to trinet/pains the first stun/garrot then you poped cloak to avoid fear then vanish > Repeat.. GG.
i didnt have that much resi tho 550 something just got my gear together, but i doubt i could handle the second opening anyway, even if i had the BIS gear from sunwell and 700 resi~
mage priest VS double rogue is impossible to win, i cant se anyway to beat dubble rogue no matter what i or the mage does you always seem to have a counter for it.
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Sap>Take shadowsight >Stealth, what about shadowsight now again, when you play dubble rogue?

So now Eleanor dont have a pet? and its called double
you forced me to trinet the first stun/garrot then you poped cloak to avoid fear then vanish
wrong we didn't CLOS or trinket, becus you both wasted your globals, we didnt get deeped nor feared.....Vs a ''real'' MP I think me and Steven would have had a hard time
I wouldn't say that RR counters MP in anyway, if your somewhat good
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Rogues are able to get a restealth in a pet nova, because the pet cant shoot whilst mage is saped.
And yes you both cloaked i got arena viewer, i can see exactly what you did.

PS, Thanks for the spell correction..
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World of warcraft, and iam pretty sure it is like that, anyhow you got prep so you can stil use a vanish to get the eyes.
And in the games we played the eyes never spawned.. its like 1 min spawn time on them and youre easly able to open and get your DRs back during that minute.
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And in the games we played the eyes never spawned.. its like 1 min spawn time on them and youre easly able to open and get your DRs back during that minute.
''Apparently'' we were waiting for CLOS, and if we cant open without a CLOS u can easily cc us around, 1 fear into a sheep into deep into tazik, into another deep
And by you saying that water elemental don't work when your sapped, or cant hit anyone, just makes me think arguing with you have no point since you apparently don't get this game.
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Tell me how iam suppose to fear you ? when do i have time to fear you?
You open on me with everything you got, Cloak > and i have to trinket > pains.
Then you vanish and wait for DRs, then you open and im sitting in a full garrot/cheap shot + a kidney shot. if i dont got absorbs/defencive cooldowns during that time iam dead.
and you sap me and let my absorbs disappear then you sap the mage so he cant assist me, sap > trinket > blind > block > half blind.
So please explain to me when should i fear?
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And by you saying that water elemental don't work when your sapped, or cant hit anyone, just makes me think arguing with you have no point since you apparently don't get this game.

Well, please answer me, when do i have time to get you into a fear.

First stunlock/garrot , i use trinket/absorb > pains to survive, you use cloak to avoid all CC so fear is not an option and my mage cant assist me.
Second stunlock/garrot, i got no trinket and no pains, so you got 9 seconds to beat on me and i cant do nothing. nor can the mage because hes in CC.
And the burst from rogues depends on your energy so you have no trouble using 1 gcd each to blind my mage, and stil do maximum damage on me.

If you were smart enough to think this through instead of posting some lame pictures you would see the problem for mage/priest, but i guess youre not smart enough to state the obvious.
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Well, please answer me, when do i have time to get you into a fear.

if you didn't notice, we didnt cloak in the opener we just cc'ed Eleanor while ( only one of us used Shadowdance/synapse ) if you had kept POM, or renew on yourself, you would have been fine, and you wouldn't have had to trinket, and could only have used PS, then in the second opener you would have trinket, and gotten a full fear we would be forced to will, into sheep's or deeps...
Well sap removes the renew and as soon as you cheap shot/garrot me you start auto attacking, witch removes the POM for like 500-600 damge ?
now what?

Ps, And no pains is not enough i need to use absorbs aswell, during the 4.5 seconds the garrot lasts you get atleast 2 ambuses/backstabs that crits got 2-3k minimun
which means when i pop pains iam at 5k or less health and then kidney shot, 5k health in pains when 2 rogues are on me ? noway that i can survive that when iam stil stunned for 5 seconds.
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Well sap removes the renew and as soon as you cheap shot/garrot me you start auto attacking, witch removes the POM for like 500-600 damge ?
now what?

so now your asking for how to play instead of asking when you would have gotten the opportunity to fear, if you want to learn how to play, you can either subscribe to skill-capped or pay for lessons...

Hardly see this as my job to teach you how to play, just cus i destroyed you in arena
Ohh did you see it now ? was that why you couldnt answer? did you finally get it ?
Gratz mate! i just had to tell you like 5 times that it was impossible and then spell it out for you in details because you couldnt think for yourself..
Dude i know how to play and now you finally see that iam right and trys to turn the discussion in your own favour again, shame on you, shame!
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