RNG Gaming, looking serious RBG's!!

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Soo its getting kind of boring sitting in the Rbg queue waiting for opponents even when they say there going to queue, is there any team out there which isnt going to queue dodge or pretend there not queuing and then go queue behind our backs when we stop queuing!

All we are looking for is some decent games instead of having one game and then everyone quitting because they lose, who cares for the win/lose surly its about getting the bracket active?

so if anyone is actually up for doing some decent rbgs one night not just one! either contact me in game or reply here.... Cheers

PS: lets keep this a troll free thread yea...
Glad to see you back !

I'd go ally just to rbg with you :3

I say give RNG some serious fights !
Rogue/Rogue is hard joke, sap priest when shield´s about to fade, other Rogue saps mage, garrote and dubbel dance spam ambush and u win, unless ur dog
Rogue/Rogue is hard joke, sap priest when shield´s about to fade, other Rogue saps mage, garrote and dubbel dance spam ambush and u win, unless ur dog

That'd be the reason why rogue/rogue is the most common comp above 2.2k? Wait a minute .... think that goes to mage/priest.... :<<<<< or even .... wait for it ... double mage :O ! XD :O hard.
Thanks Nesyla, This gimp is clearly threatened otherwise they wouldnt have come whining on our server after they beat us... if they lose to us yea come whine, but they won and still the biggest ego shitters come along to try and boast...

CONGRATUFUCKINGLATIONS you beat us in 2s ? Oh my fucking lord your actually amazing, hold on a minute whilst i shit myself with envy!

Get a life, seriously, your boring everyone.

just a complete gimp, now do one.
Rogue/rogue hard-counters mage/priest badly, the reason there aren't any top rogue/rogue is because 90% if not more of the 70 rogues are complete dogshit. and the remaining 10% are playing with a mage or disc
Rogue/rogue hard-counters mage/priest badly, the reason there aren't any top rogue/rogue is because 90% if not more of the 70 rogues are complete dogshit. and the remaining 10% are playing with a mage or disc

Dunno if srs.....double tazik mage/priest can easily win if the mage is somewhat good at controlling the rogues, but ofc vs shit PM its a free win, like Eleanor himself
Rogue/rogue hard-counters mage/priest badly, the reason there aren't any top rogue/rogue is because 90% if not more of the 70 rogues are complete dogshit. and the remaining 10% are playing with a mage or disc

Not really tbh, 2 rogues cant kill priest in the opener unless they both literally open with ambushes, mage can double cc both, soon as one trinkets its virtually game over. I don't see how they hard-counter badly, my guess is that you've never actually met the comp before :)
Not really? You open and force trinket with the first garrote, vanish, open again when drs are gone and the priest dies in the garrote. You have trinket up for the first cc which is all he can do the first time you open and cloak for the next opener. You can't lose
or you could deep the garrote and nova the other rogue whilst priest moves, no need to trinket. Lance the one in the deep and he gets cheat death if he doesnt trinket, if he does trinket 1 fear on him and he's dead, i don't see your issue at all. Unless they open with double cloak, in which case priest can trinket and ps then i don't see how you can lose unless they still kill him through an instant trinket.
I heard you got fired from a job, where you don't even get paid....

Than it's not a job o.o

Thanks Nesyla, This gimp is clearly threatened otherwise they wouldnt have come whining on our server after they beat us... if they lose to us yea come whine, but they won and still the biggest ego shitters come along to try and boast...

CONGRATUFUCKINGLATIONS you beat us in 2s ? Oh my fucking lord your actually amazing, hold on a minute whilst i shit myself with envy!

Get a life, seriously, your boring everyone.

just a complete gimp, now do one.

You vouch for most of us ^_^
Unless the rogues cloak have less cd then the priests trinket I dont see an issue in killing the priest, Which the trinket obviously has since cloak has 1½ min cd I suppose
While the priest moves? You can't move while you're in a cheapshot and garrote, you know. Either way, you sap the mage, he obviously has to trinket or block, when he does, you blind him, and trinket/blocks again, you blind him half. If he gets a deep out when he trinkets the rogue won't even have to trinket seeing as the mage will be in cc either way and a ps or trinket from the priest will be used. After a cd is used you simply vanish and open again when drs are gone with double cloak and the priest dies 100%. YOU obviously haven't faced this comp as mage/priest, and if you have, you haven't faced any good ones.
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Funny how you cant keep anything on topic, no wonder noone likes you, you always have to have a dig, yet noone gives a shit about your opinions, yet another thread to be closed because of you immature pricks, go get a life you moron
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