RIP roula

@Angelbiatch, the awkward moment when you think someone gives a fuck about your opinion
[MENTION=19556]Quack[/MENTION], that awkward moment that you think you know how to "@", but you fail. Now, stay on topic, and there is no need for such remarks.
Hi Hassan!
Now that you wont be spending hours after hours on wow 19 twinking you can come play LOL with Xauvia and me (miss u buddy - might even carry u to gold ;)...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE! u know ;DDD)---------------edited out, azol diden't want me to mention this---------------?
To think about it, may i recommand a walk in the mountains :)?
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Hi Hassan!
Now that you wont be spending hours after hours on wow 19 twinking you can come play LOL with Xauvia and me (miss u buddy - might even carry u to gold ;)...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE! u know ;DDD)---------------edited out, azol diden't want me to mention this---------------?
To think about it, may i recommand a walk in the mountains :)?

i carry u, u carry rolo, easy wp gj pwner :D
Plz dont drop that durka dur :(

Jk bye.
Why do u keep opening these?
And again?
And again?
Now you are tired of opening these, arent you?
You have no life, if you read this.
Read this, and Dreeze is best #EU lol

That was confusing, wasnt it?
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I quit this bracket peace
Reason: i cba to play a game that really get into me and cant make me sleep at night and with this shit community and all the hate and the negative attitude is too much bb everyone

PS:i wont even check the replys so dont even bother to troll
Not trolling but you were probably the biggest rager
Hassan man!

Now ur goats and camels is your only hobby now days?

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