riding turtle

heh ... all gone in 60sec ... riding turtle is eternal
A bit off-topic, but I just now discovered the Magic Broom (10 day mount) I had saved in my Crudely Wrapped Gift since last halloween now has a level 10 and apprentice riding skill requirements. Made me ever so sad since I decided I should finally get it out of the box and spend the next 10 days swooping around on my shiny broomstick. The turtle I've wanted to invest in gained yet another point. Reckon I'll buy one soon to make me happy again
I spent my hard earned cash and bought the riding turtle for Cantara. $127 USD. Is it worth it? Absolutely, when I'm homeless on the streets, I'll be at least secure in the knowledge that somewhere encoded on an account I can't afford to play that my level one has a riding mount!

It is good fun though, I get a lot of comments.

It was a bummer that the Brewfest achievement for changing the mount to a brewfest mount was unavailable.
Level 20 to at least use them, probably would have let you purchase them. Bliz is good at letting you buy stuff you can't use. o_O
Is the riding turtle considered a mount? I know the sea turtle wasn't and would not transform into a kodo or ram.

As for not being scammed, you need to buy from a reliable source, and then hope for the best. Experience from people you trust is usually the best way to tell.

Worth it? Why not? It's only money. People spend insane amounts of time for things in game. Instead of time in game, spend some time doing overtime, buy something fun. It's the same thing if you think about it. It's all about equivalent exchange. Time = money = gold.
The riding turtle is considered a mount as it is effected by mount speed increases (spurs + glove enchant) and goes in the spellbook tab for mounts. I don't know if the hops would work since they weren't usable as a level one.

I got my card in great condition and speed from Ebay off a vendor who had a near perfect rating.

Time = money = gold.

Time is money friend.
Is the riding turtle actually affected by things like glove enchant and crusader aura now? Both of which are simple enough to check. I was looking at the Wowhead tooltip and it seems it functions in the exact same way as the sea turtle and reins of Poseidus, with the latter not being able to be summoned on land. Something to check out is if the riding turtle gives 270% speed in Vashj'ir. Kind of funny if a level 1 can move at that speed, even if it's only in Vashj'ir. I also saw some glitches where people mounted in Vashj'ir then ported elsewhere, and maintained their speed. That has probably been fixed by now, or never worked in the first place, but something else worth trying out too.
the speed enchants work .. i'll check vashj when i log on later
Especially since both turtles are considered aquatic mounts, I think Blizz has simply made them the same mount with a different skin and level/riding requirement. Anyone with some mount speed chants, or high level paladins to group with, able to test the riding turtle's mounted speed out? Even better if you have both sea turtle and riding turtle to test both.
I had 270% on the sea turtle without the buff. I'm under the impression that both turtles behave in the exact same way, although it requires some testing to confirm.

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