Return to Glory 19 Twink Realm


New Member
Hello, I'm excited to introduce the release of: Return to Glory (Level 19 Twink Realm)

We are live, free & open for players forever!

Start racing to 19 and for a limited time claim your realm first achievements!
It's a brisk leveling to 19 and only takes a few hours of questing and grinding your toon up.
Then the hunts on for finding your gear, professions, and of course enjoying some WSG & arenas all the while!
Hope the whole community enjoys!

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Realm requires patch-5(small):

~Patch Notes | Server Fundamentals | Server Concept~
1. 1-19 Leveling to build your ultimate Twink Class (increased xp, loot rates)
2. World PvP (suggested to turn on world & local defense channels “/join worlddefense” “/join localdefense” to receive notifications in-game when towns are under attack.)
• All townships in the supported areas have been reduced to level 19.
• All Major cities are reduced to level 19.
• FTA & FTH achievements achievable.
• City bosses are boss level 22, try to get a 40 man twink raid on that.
• Horde have a backdoor flight plan into Westfall behind Moonbrook.

3. Arenas & Warsong Gulch (min. of 3 on each team to start, capped at 5 a team until population frequencies pick up)
• CrossFaction Bgs, Groups, Guilds, Trading, LFG (again only until population picks up)

4. 6 Dungeons (Dungeon Finder available)
• Ragefire Chasm
• The Deadmines
• Wailing Caverns
• Shadowfang Keep
• Stockades
• Blackfathom Deep
• All dungeons to be added in as 19 dungeons as time goes on!

5. All HKs reward PvP Tokens.
6. All spells, professions & talent resets are free to learn.
7. All players automatically train all their available spells when they level up.
8. Instant flightmasters & Players start with all of them.
9. All Quests & areas are open, explore all your favorite places and earn all your favorite transmogs and earn rewards. Don't worry higher level quest rewards can't be used.

10. The following areas have been revamped to support doing activities/events as 19 twinks:
• Stranglethorn Vale
• Gurubashi Chest spawns every hour with additional loot added to the chest (gear, potions, enchants, glyphs, etc)
• Stranglethorn Fishing Derby happens four times a day(every 6 hours) and lasts for 90 minutes in which you can catch tasty fish and hand them in for up to a couple hours past the tasty spawns.
• Felwood
• Timbermaw Hold reputation can be earned for the medicine pouch. May add more reasons to farm this.

11. Title Reward Ladder for HKs
12. Transmogs
Horde T-mog NPC: Org in the Drag
Alliance T-mog NPC: Cathedral Square in the canal
Neutral T-mog NPC: Booty bay by the gnomer port device.

13. Items
Twink Token
These can be redeemed for enchants/glyphs from any enchant supply vendor by enchanting trainers.

14. Quests
All quests reward 1 Twink Token each to incentivize doing all available quests.

15. Loot
Gurubashi Chests drop Twink Tokens.
End dungeon bosses drop Twink Tokens.
Junk items stack up to 20
Trade items stack up to 100
Warlock Soul Shards stack up to 3
All recipes that were 150+ have been dropped to 150 for transmogging!
19s can acquire 60% mounts from mount vendors, no need for training for them. May limit this to the world only and not in arenas/bgs but might leave it as until populations pick up to make wsgs a bit more fair. We'll let players decide how they like it. Sorry druids and shamans your hop game will still be hot so don't worry.

16. Finally, If there is something not working appropriate towards these settings do not hesitate to drop a comment or write a note in the bug section. I hope you enjoy the Return to Glory the twinking community wants it!
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Cool idea, not the first time this has been attempted but this definitely has its own flavor to it.
Might check it out, good luck!
Thanks mate! Wanted to try to give everyone what they miss from a level 19 blizzlike for the most part, really trying to glorify that 19 twink life

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