US Return of Best in Show. Mug'thol [H]


Located on Mug'thol starting friday November 9th, we will be accepting any and all who wish to create a twink on Mug'thol Horde we will later also create a replica guild on Alliance Mug'thol as well. If you're interested please Message me on here for I will not be active on WoW until Friday.

what do I want out of this?

I want to see the bracket explode again, I understand a lot of us have jobs / school etc but I want to be able to create a spark in the community and have hundreds who have thought about twinking actually come over and give it a try or for some who have no resources come over and lets start playing some games.

How can you help?

I'm looking for 3 solid officers who can help with recruiting, and running this guild, as i mentioned above I do work as well and go to school so even though I want to play everyday there will be days where I will be MIA.

Also we are accepting donations to help provide gear etc, even though my main partner and I have a guild bank full of stuff we will eventually need extra help in equipping players and helping them fulfill their roles.

Future of Best in Show

The future of Best in Show solely relies on its efforts and the people who want to twink, this will not be an egotistical guild, but more so a guild where people can log on and expect some decent games. My intentions for this guild is more so a casual laid back guild but we do want to start doing premades in the near future.


All in all, I hope this will spark others to as well start up guilds, I hope this will boost the game play and boost the over all bracket and to start seeing more unfamiliar faces! Hope you all have a great week, and look forward to seeing you all Friday!

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