Retri offstat weight


Sup boys. Some of you prolly know me already, big on min/maxing. I have now finished my initial sets on my pala (sub-optimal gloves) and now it's time to optimize while unsubbed. Once I get the perfect items I will be moving more over to it.

Link to pala:

I have built a balanced set with high vers, and mastery.

What I am trying to work out is, if mastery/haste has the same value on a ret, as versa does or if I would be better off with max vers items (10/4 helms, 8/3 shoulders, 6/2 wrists, with the high number being versa) if I went FULL versa pieces I would be able to gain another whopping 29 versa if I managed to max out on all pieces but obviously at the cost of some haste and mastery.

Fwiw I run destiny / baron sword and weap swap depending on situation.

Anyone able to chip in with experience / opinion?

Also bonus question: hand of eddy for holy or speed+socket weap?
I feel like ret's DF talents will shake everything up. With more options for Holy power generation and mobility we might see haste get devalued and more benefit from crit. Vers and mastery will always be good, and I'd personally lean harder into those. I don't run much haste, but I also use Runeblade for healing, and I don't hard cast heals a lot.

In DF I think ret looks good with mastery/vers/crit. Depends on how Runeblade functions. As for the holy weapon, I think a speed socket weapon would just be better than Eddy's, but it's a lot less swaggy
I feel like ret's DF talents will shake everything up. With more options for Holy power generation and mobility we might see haste get devalued and more benefit from crit. Vers and mastery will always be good, and I'd personally lean harder into those. I don't run much haste, but I also use Runeblade for healing, and I don't hard cast heals a lot.

In DF I think ret looks good with mastery/vers/crit. Depends on how Runeblade functions. As for the holy weapon, I think a speed socket weapon would just be better than Eddy's, but it's a lot less swaggy

I do have Runeblade and swap back and forth. Works pretty well, as you said it's nice for like healers or a quick swap after a hoj.

I am aiming for complete sets of QB, aurora and harm, so will have some in case.
Actually wondering if I should stack a bit more crit than I have atm. Like Davidan with crit meta paired with mb epic procced chest. Not sure if it's worth giving up the versa/mastery to do so though.
Haste is important for pal at any lvl of play no matter holy power generation. Its overall great stat for lowering cooldowns, gcd and increasing attack speed for more crusader procs
Sure, but even at 25% haste you only get a 20% CD reduction. Judgement and BoJ are still like an agonizing 10 sec CD and Zeal already gives you faster autos for finding Crusader procs.

I'm not saying to stack crit, only that there's options in DF. Maybe specing for 2x Crusader Strike and 2 HP Blade of Justice will present a decent burst option with mastery/crit. Maybe it'll be better to go heavy haste and fish for BoJ resets with Art of War. Maybe there'll be a meme build that stacks vers + stam and explodes on people with Shield of Vengence. I'm just keeping an open mind
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Maybe specing for 2x Crusader Strike and 2 HP Blade of Justice will present a decent burst option with mastery/crit.

Was going to try that build with either mastery/versa for good sustained or crit/versa for more bursty. Looks fun either way.

Any theory crafters know how versa scales vs strength, 2-1, 3-1?. Will the 3 socket BC dungeon gear with strength gems outweigh green boe gear?
Was going to try that build with either mastery/versa for good sustained or crit/versa for more bursty. Looks fun either way.

Any theory crafters know how versa scales vs strength, 2-1, 3-1?. Will the 3 socket BC dungeon gear with strength gems outweigh green boe gear?

Dosnt str already outweigh versa in terms of dmg? Versa is just so great cus it does everything rly. It's a super boring stat but let's me honest; less dmg taken, more dmg done, more healing done. I know we gain sp from str too, but man versa just does it all. If I was to run full glass and just pray for 1-shot deletion I would prolly mix a couple of tbc pieces with some max mastery peerless/harm gear and then go full str sockets.
[doublepost=1660546438,1660508399][/doublepost]Also - peoples opinion on TBC plate legs with 3 sockets VS boe harm legs (max versa) + speed and socket?
In terms of dmg and heal output, str outweighs versatility for both damage and healing numbers (including the passive heal from Rivendare).
Equivalence ratio between the two for dmg/heal output was closer to 1-to-3 last I checked (though on a non-gemmed ilvl 25 F2P paladin) though I’ll need to double-check, and that’s at level 20. That ratio may change if one already has a lot of str though. That str to vers ratio changes at around 200 to 300 str or higher, though that’s from memory and I need to double-check (not sure if destiny proc plus crusader proc plus other str procs help reach that threshold or not, and I can’t check that).

In terms of output, it’s more straightforward to compare str vs versatility through comparing tooltip numbers as well, in contrast to, say, str vs haste, etc. Different story for survivability when factoring in one’s effective hp vs bursty foes and not just comparing heal outputs (and end up being a heal output vs effective hp choice or comparison).

In battlegrounds, 1 str remains 1 str while versatility to % is reduced some (to what a 29 would get out of that stat).

As for a secondary stat scaling reference of 20 vs 29, this was what I saw in-game (live, not DF) comparing secondary stats outside and inside instanced pvp (in %, non-DR values):

Level: 20 | 29
Haste: 0.270 | 0.204
Crit: 0.255 | 0.193
Vers: 0.223 | 0.168
Mast: 0.408 | 0.308​
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Give up on these dreams you don't need all of that fancy gear. You need that 60% crit (51% in BG), since for open BGs ret is a goofy meme spec anyway... just have templars be an execute all of the time... kill stealing and the most burst. DF is leaning towards all in on Blade anyway, so just more crit.

As far as the OP, your build is already gonna be about where you can get with it... sometimes there will be hunters/locks that one shot you... sometimes there wont be hunters/locks on the enemy team and your own team to take all of your damage away and you will do 100k and feel amazing (you get one of those games every 2 days maybe). That's the bracket.
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Give up on these dreams you don't need all of that fancy gear. You need that 60% crit (51% in BG), since for open BGs ret is a goofy meme spec anyway... just have templars be an execute all of the time... kill stealing and the most burst. DF is leaning towards all in on Blade anyway, so just more crit.

As far as the OP, your build is already gonna be about where you can get with it... sometimes there will be hunters/locks that one shot you... sometimes there wont be hunters/locks on the enemy team and your own team to take all of your damage away and you will do 100k and feel amazing (you get one of those games every 2 days maybe). That's the bracket.
How have we not taken away your posting perms yet dear god
How have we not taken away your posting perms yet dear god

Man, you need to take a sarcasm class (probably also one of your biggest challenges in life and not just on here)... and get some crit gear.

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