Ret Paladin race.


I couldn't find any Ret Paladin guides so i'm just wondering what race is better, Tauren or Belf?
Thank you.

Edit: Ups, my bad. This was suppose to be in the F2P section of the forum.
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Tauren has a higher base strength and stamina, as well as a higher base health as well, and being a melee class, you should use stomp effectively. Herbalism racial allows fast herb pickin.

Blood Elf has AoE silence. Can't say much more about it.

Choose whichever you racials you like best.
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Does Stomp dr with hoj? If you go prot I think belf aoe silence does dr with shield throw.
Blood Elf is Bis for an instant AoE silence. Retribution is doing pretty good in 5.3, atleast in my bracket.
Blood elf.

Normally in the bracket up here I'd suggest Tauren ( Increased 5% base HP; Stuns 5 enemies within 8y for 2 seconds, DRing with HoJ / FoJ ) , but Paladins don't gain their interrupt till early 50s if I recollect correctly. Given you're playing Retribution and not 'Prot', might prove invaluable in most scenarios.

Those who think Tauren, arguable, sure. Can interrupt a cast the same way, although the HoJ + Torrent combination doesn't give any DRs, and since we're talking Ret over Prot. Admittedly wouldn't know how much a difference the 5% HP would make, or if it would be worth the DRing /w Stomp constantly in 15-19.
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It doesn't matter, ret is bad.

The two races have no meaningful difference.
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