Ret Paladin Enchant Help.


Boots Thief
Tasslexsmash @ Farstriders
I am wondering on a few enchants.
Bracer: 10 crit OR 19 AP (9.5 Strength),
Gloves: 8 crit OR 11 Srength (22 AP).
Cloak: 12 PvP Power (around 4% more damage and healing) OR 10 crit.
Weapon: Crusader (proc for a heal and 100 Strength) OR Executioner (proc for about 30% crit) OR 41 AP (20 Strength).

I want to hear what enchant(s) I should use and WHY.
Please don't just give me an enchant name, I like hearing the explanations behind them.
If you need to ask a question just comment and I'll answer.
Always go crit imo, all low level retribution abilities scale so so badly with attack power that crit just outranks it.
As for every class atm, maxing out into one direction maybe isnt the best choice.
A balanced setup is what you want to go with right now.

Stam is the key in my opinion. You wont be able to do anything when you are dead in 2 seconds.

In your case, i would go with +24 stam on gloves and +15 stam on bracers. Leaving you with about 33% crit what is more than enough.
PVP Power or crit on cloak, no idea tbh, havent tried yet. Maybe pvp power.

If you want to go for as much damage as possible, i would build something around 33% crit, rest AP.
As for every class atm, maxing out into one direction maybe isnt the best choice.
A balanced setup is what you want to go with right now.

Stam is the key in my opinion. You wont be able to do anything when you are dead in 2 seconds.

In your case, i would go with +24 stam on gloves and +15 stam on bracers. Leaving you with about 33% crit what is more than enough.
PVP Power or crit on cloak, no idea tbh, havent tried yet. Maybe pvp power.

If you want to go for as much damage as possible, i would build something around 33% crit, rest AP.

I'd go with something like this, in 5.3 I just went with full crit myself but that leaves you with very low hp (1,5kish), which sadly isn't enough anymore when all of the classes can do that much dmg in a few globals. I would get 1.8-2k hp, +30% crit, and dancing steel on 2 or 3 different loom axes for switching 'em up. PvP power on cloak, 4,72% is a lot of dmg. 188mana on chest so you don't go oom from FoLs instantly.
Elemental force would be BiS for ret, and for primary stats stamina would be the most rewarding followed by crit

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