Restoring 39: 2nd part

Atm activity on Alliance is rather great with 4-5+ online most of the time doing inguild-2s. With some more rerollers and perhaps xfers this could quickly get rolling even further on both sides . Keep it up.

This picture is from this evening, at 22.58 - one of each class, cept shaman. So alliance activity - it IS happening.


Nicnig is 20+, I am hopefully ~30 after Sunday, our Shaman is coming soon too as far as I have heard, no word on the Paladin though... Our second Mage MIGHT come, and the Rogue is somewhere in his 10s. We're coming slowly from <NØØÕÕ NOT THAT HOLE>.
Andraklas7 said:
Where is my competition gone mortox? I thought it should be you :/.. was I wrong?

49 Did not offer what I was looking for. That and I was sick of pointless drama and epeen bullshit.
This was a 39-thread the last time I checked. There's entire forums and a PM-function for other things.

Nux, SLACK. SLAAAACK. Get going.

Like Zvit was writing some pages ago; we got quite good activity. This pictures is taken 23:42 (14 may) on both sides.

If any officer seeing this, please remove all spam/offtopic from 92-98 +88.
I think with the right support Eloz can now take us to new heights. It was a pleasure playing 39 again, and reminded me why this is the best twink bracket. Now that we've seperated the wheat from the chaff we can concentrate on building a great community.
FOURTYNINEinchchest said:
I think with the right support Eloz can now take us to new heights. It was a pleasure playing 39 again, and reminded me why this is the best twink bracket. Now that we've seperated the wheat from the chaff we can concentrate on building a great community.

Quote for truth
activity is sick atm with no prompting an telling people to log at a certain time, im looking into my crystal ball and seeing wsg pop's soon without the games having to be arranged...
I'd say activity the last 5-6 days have been really great too, improving all the time. A few times Horde's been like 10-11 online whilst Alliance at that time had maybe 5-7, and at other moments it's the other way around. That's close to a Warsong Gulch happening. From the few arenas I've experienced, I'd say the skillvl of the majority of the Horde players might be a bit better, whilst Alliance seems active. However, there's several who's all new in Arena-relation.

And on a sidenote, goddamn be careful with your xp. A few from SKey Gaming levelled up accidentally in a levelling-WSG, cause the xp was surprisingly big. So be careful with that part. A good idea is to get all the items/pvp-items and honor you'll need for trinkets etc, before you hit like lvl 37ish...Get them in your late 20s or mid 30ish, and you'll have no problem getting all the desired items in time.

Looking forward to more battles n all.

300g for a steel wep chain? u trying to kill the bracket secretly? extortion for an item that should cost like 50g tops

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