Im not gonna quote everyone but here are my personal experiences which lead me to know that resi stacking up to a certain level is the best way to go:
- Haste is not the most important stat as a resto druid in the 70 bracket, resilience is simply because u can not survive the imbalanced damage otherwise.
- Druid is probably the least vulnerable to rogues, and if u have teammates who know how to peel, rogues are probably one of the least threathening classes, except if teamed with another dps. (Seeing u are stacking resi and not haste, else u should not be surprised to die in a kidney or deep freeze if nothing can be done to stop the damage)
- The best team we met on 70, were some top10 85 players who rolled mage/rogue for the lols, and we played like 3-2 against them. If they have a perfect opener, it was the instant healing touch + healthstone + bm (which u use on the garrote ofc together with some bear abilities) that made the difference between me surviving their opener or dying. Most of the time I came out of their chain with like 1-3k hp and then popped healthstone healing touch, from there on we had the game. However they did not have tazik or synapse, just 2 pyro rockets.
- Being 74 would maybe have lost us those games cause I would take more damage, or maybe an instant cyclone on the mage who wouldve had to pop his trinket on some cc of my lock wouldve been better? Idk but I do know that after so many wins, it was boring to queue, there was no real challenge (the rogue mage team didnt rlly play much) and we ended up trying other stuff. Cyclone definitly wouldve been more entertaining than just running around rolling hots and casting roots ^^
- Druid healing is more than fine on 70 as long as u CAN heal. If u get swapped on or opened on with no hots whatsoever, thats when your haste/intellect wont help anything, and u will die. I could perfectly outheal any setup with my resi, so why would anyone need more haste? I think i had 3% haste 13% crit or something cant recall ^^
I don't believe resto druids are viable atm (As in having the chance to beat any setup). I don't see any way a resto/x team can beat a top rogue/mage which has bis gear and tazik/synapse. If u don't mind losing some games to particular setups/classes I guess resto druid will be fine for you