Resto Druid FC LF New Home


Hey fellow twinks I'm a tauren Druid on Dreadmaul currently Bis for everything possible at this time part from 2 or 3 things.

armoury : Shiiftsfc @ Dreadmaul - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Missing the fishing hat but getting BoA Helm for the meanwhile
3/12 Into my AGM will be getting it very soon.
Farming For the Tarantula Belt

About me:
I've been twinking since back in vanilla, started with a Tauren Hunter named Twlnked on Nagrand. I then quit wow for about a after selling my account and I later made a Gnome rogue names Littlechamp who was BiS this was in enc of BC start of Wotlk. I then quit again and restarted at the beginning of Cata and made another rogue but this time a goblin one named Watchurturso on Dreadmaul that became BiS i also rolled an enhance shammy for a while. i stupidly quit again and only recently came back to make a Druid Fc, I have been in and out of the twins community, i know all the abilities and everything to know about twinkling since playing from Vanilla to now. I am a very active player with fitting in with college i go on everyday for more than I should :p

What I'm looking for:
Looking for a new home to premade. I know there are many people with FC carriers but I am willing to give it my all for the guild and play to the best of my skill to benefit the guild. I am more than willing to take direction, I like to consider myself rather coordinated and good with taking direction. I can call out targets in a pre made situation always use to do it on my rogue. Preferably looking for a guild that mainly has a Premade team and is looking for an elite player to fill spots in. Always up for re-rolling classes and making new twinks also.

I am currently in college, I have just about 6 weeks left though and I can start working again to pay my transfer etc. Anyone that wouldn't mind helping the costs i obviously wouldn't turn down. I could go alliance or horde. Ideally I want to go alliance to get the gear before returning back horde (if i was to get into a horde guild). But depending on funds it could be a problem (my boss is a dick so idk what kind of hours i will be working). I am NOT asking anyone to pay my transfer, I am more than capable, just want to stress that so no one gets the wrong idea and thinks I'm just a beggar.

If anyone is interested please PM me and we can talk about details.

Thanks, and sorry for the wall of text,
I think it's a statement of disrespecting your quite unfinished twink. It's not looking bad so far but I think it's really too early to get your hopes up for people to eagerly recruit you for their guild, let alone a premade team =P I think your best bet is to gear up a bit more and maybe ask an officer or a GM of a guild if you could join them. GL with your tinking career!
Thanks for that. i wouldn't really say its disrespecting.. considering i only need 3 more items :p but thanks
Try getting the PvP heirloom shoulders for resil. Also, sadly tarantula silk sash doesnt drop anymore. If you can't afford one I would go with monkey belt since you won't get much from crit rating as a FC. Also, try getting 5 resist to cloak, 24 armor on pants and 16 SP to glove and a pair of spidersilks with minorspeed for indoor FCing before 4 stacks. Good luck with your druid tinké!
Hey fellow twinks I'm a tauren Druid on Dreadmaul currently Bis for everything possible at this time part from 2 or 3 things.

armoury : Shiiftsfc @ Dreadmaul - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

Missing the fishing hat but getting BoA Helm for the meanwhile
3/12 Into my AGM will be getting it very soon.
Farming For the Tarantula Belt

About me:
I've been twinking since back in vanilla, started with a Tauren Hunter named Twlnked on Nagrand. I then quit wow for about a after selling my account and I later made a Gnome rogue names Littlechamp who was BiS this was in enc of BC start of Wotlk. I then quit again and restarted at the beginning of Cata and made another rogue but this time a goblin one named Watchurturso on Dreadmaul that became BiS i also rolled an enhance shammy for a while. i stupidly quit again and only recently came back to make a Druid Fc, I have been in and out of the twins community, i know all the abilities and everything to know about twinkling since playing from Vanilla to now. I am a very active player with fitting in with college i go on everyday for more than I should :p

What I'm looking for:
Looking for a new home to premade. I know there are many people with FC carriers but I am willing to give it my all for the guild and play to the best of my skill to benefit the guild. I am more than willing to take direction, I like to consider myself rather coordinated and good with taking direction. I can call out targets in a pre made situation always use to do it on my rogue. Preferably looking for a guild that mainly has a Premade team and is looking for an elite player to fill spots in. Always up for re-rolling classes and making new twinks also.

I am currently in college, I have just about 6 weeks left though and I can start working again to pay my transfer etc. Anyone that wouldn't mind helping the costs i obviously wouldn't turn down. I could go alliance or horde. Ideally I want to go alliance to get the gear before returning back horde (if i was to get into a horde guild). But depending on funds it could be a problem (my boss is a dick so idk what kind of hours i will be working). I am NOT asking anyone to pay my transfer, I am more than capable, just want to stress that so no one gets the wrong idea and thinks I'm just a beggar.

If anyone is interested please PM me and we can talk about details.

Thanks, and sorry for the wall of text,

LOL this is my exact post from a few weeks ago only you changed it to your info..that disclaimer about your boss being a dick is EXACTLY how i worded mine


Good luck with your search

EDIT: link to my original (now templated post)
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