Resilence at level 49?


Currently resilience is giving .1175 per point at 49. If the wowlk chants are allowed on the grandfatherd items ill be able to get 94 resilience on my holy pally.

boa shoulders=12

chest enchant=20

shield enchant=12

double boa resilience trinkets=15 each/30 total

pally libram with socket=20 resilience

The numbers come up to 94 resilience=11.05% dmg reduction

Is this something worth trying for or am i giving up to much in other stats?
sounds a bit viable.

for chest you'll need to use nonBoA since that cant take 20 resil, but over another LK or BC enchantable chest youre only losing 6/10 stats for 20 resil.

for shoulders we cant have enchants, so might as well take the 12 there. for shield its either 18 sta or 12 resil (unless you get a LK enchantable shield soon).

trinkets might be ok but then you lose out on using tidal charm, agm, flashlight, etc.

and on the libram you're passing up 20str, 30sta, or any combination for 20 resil.

so you're giving up 10 stats (from chest), 18 sta (from shield), use of another trinket, and 30sta/20 str (libram)....close call imo. and if you get LK enchantable bracers now and slap on 40 sta it would certainly balance it out even more allowing resil set up while still having a lot of hp..and as a pally wearing plate + shield you will be that much more of a bitch for melee with 11.05 damage reduction + 60%+ mitigation from armor.
lonelybeaver said:
given how bursty it is right now.... sacrificing stam for resil seems a bit moronic imo.

I would only be giving up 58 stam.... +10 stats to chest +30 stam libram +18 stam shield.

580 hp is what i would be losing or 610 with kings. Right now im getting ambushed/eviserate comboed for about 3.5k the 11% resilience reduction would wipe out about 410 dmg from that combo alone. Doesn't seem moronic to me.
the bigger your health pool the slower you go into execute range and the more time you have to get a heal or heal yourself. not that complicated.
The more resilience you have the slower it takes to get into execute range and the more time you have to get a heal or heal yourself. not that complicated.
Lonely do you not know how resilience works? Honest question. Here let me try showing you the benefits of resilience again. Say i go with your theory and stack the 58 stam and have a total of 5.8k hp buffed. I get sapped mage comes along and it does pet nova+frostbolt+icelane combo for 2.3k total dmg while rogue ambush eviserates me for 3.5k hp. total of 5.8k hp If this would happen i would be dead.

Now say i stack the resilience instead and only have 5.2k hp and have 11.05% dmg reduction through res. the 5.8k dmg would turn into 5159 dmg. Oh hey im not dead!!! This isn't rocket science.
hah. go ahead and waste both your trinket slots and a boat load of stats which amount to a loss of more hp than the resil is reducing in dmg in the short run. if you want a resil twink, make a level 10.
How am i wasting both trinket slots? The resilience trinket is also a pvp trinket (removes loss of control of character). I don't know about you but I always use a pvp trinket in one of my trinket slots.
res is good for pvp.

no need to fight over the obvious.
i believe the fight was over whether sacrificing a tidal charm or an agm and 600+ life for a few points of resil was worth it.

don't get me wrong, its a good idea, i thought about it also... it just isn't practical given the current situation.

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