Reroll Regrets.

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There's no reason to be a Human in this bracket, since you can't double DPS trinket anyway, and perception is gone (rest in peace). All Humans get is expertise with Swords/Maces, and Spirit that doesn't scale well at all for level 20

Well.. I dunno.. They get that 2 minute trinket... and can equip two AGMs.

And mia, on what class would you say troll is the best choice?
Well.. I dunno.. They get that 2 minute trinket... and can equip two AGMs.

And mia, on what class would you say troll is the best choice?

If you farm AGM on a free to play account, you're doing it wrong

Way too much time investment for a twink bracket
Well.. I dunno.. They get that 2 minute trinket... and can equip two AGMs.

And mia, on what class would you say troll is the best choice?
Balance Druid.

It is a toss-up damage-survability-endurance for Destro Locks and Frost/Fire Mages.
Balance Druid.

It is a toss-up damage-survability-endurance for Destro Locks and Frost/Fire Mages.

Alright, I see you on the Bal.
I would neeever go troll for a lock or mage, but that's just imo. I really think trolls need to get their racials reworked in terms of pvp. It looks like they are decent for endgame pve though.

Also, I think someone on this thread may actually get my first TI ignore! Hooray!
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I've never seen someone be this dense before in my life.

Well dense is a pretty rude way to say it, but I suppose it's fair enough, as I am in fact ignorant on the matter

In fact, I'm completely ignorant as to why anyone would farm AGM once, much less twice, at all, not just in the 20 bracket. If you want to spend that much time playing WoW, a real account is a far better source of entertainment
Just do it in between your 20 minute queue times? Not that hard to just camp at Guru and casually loot the trinket.
Just do it in between your 20 minute queue times? Not that hard to just camp at Guru and casually loot the trinket.

I have a Horde for instant queues, and my Alliance is on Moon Guard, where 5 or more zero skill "PvPers" with horrible arena ratings and no RBG title, are there role playing or something, 24/7

I guess there's some super low population Servers where it wouldn't take so long though, I didn't think about that
I like how not subscribing to Blizzard's arena system ratings causes you to have zero skill.

You never got above 2200 at 85? You must have no idea how to play a 20.

That's just what the people with 2200+ rating wants you to believe..

Like rich people cant live without their money, neither can arena fags live without their arena, and they will judge anyone who glances badly at them..


My biggest mistake was leveling all my grandfathered twinks one by on in wotlk, because i had invested so much time in them, i had to have them at level cap.. I was just thinking "I can always level a new character"... Well FUCK YOU ZONE REWAMP!
I spend an inordinate amount of time being indecisive about my race/gear choices, still not really figuring it out until I just say "screw it" and pick something semi-randomly. I'm pretty laid back, so after I make the decision I don't worry too much about it and adapt. Base the majority of my quest gear choices on what will give me the most options. For example, even if I may never end up respeccing my pally to ret, the fact that I may want to some day = taking Boots of the Hero. Stared at the quest giver for a good 15 mins trying to decide, but after that it is what it is. If I regretted it that much I'd reroll, but since I dislike leveling alts and prefer to focus on single characters, I can be content with my decision there.

Instead of regretting things, accept the past. If you don't like the way things turned out, put some work in and change it or find the good in the situation and learn to be happy with what you have (for example, undead and trolls being generally awesome, even if they don't have an AoE stun/silence).
And mia, on what class would you say troll is the best choice?

Trolls make the best enhancement shamans imo. They have more attack power due to highest agility than anyone else, haste boost is nice, 'flipping out' makes it slightly easier against slowing classes, and they do extra damage to beasts, and there are often ferals getting in melee with you.

I remade an enhancement shaman into a troll. Also I had chosen the wrong ring, i chose the int/stam ring, but at the time it did have some use for enhance because it used to increase spellpower, and had a very decent 5 stam. That was a big nerf to enhance.
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Hi, I'm a Dwarf PRIEST, yee high five for the female dwarfs out there!
Well I'm about to embark on a F2p adventure as a Horde warrior, now for me the race as a warrior is NE as shadow meld can either Give u a second charge, get an open or if timed right mitigate an incoming spell or most of all when a hunter gets that first shot off.

Belf seems to be the popular choice, but i cant stand the look of them, as for Moo's yeah nice stun and HP buff, but they feel so slow and are a big target.

Someone Did say Undead are the worst race to choose which happen's to be the one I've chosen :) they have the best sounding laugh and train e-mote.

Spew-out :)
I dont like the way my male troll shaman looks. The shaman BOAs just look like some sort of patchwork clown suit so its tough for me to think of a way to make them look good on any toon, but I wish I had either gone fem orc because you never see them and my first priority is to try to look somewhat original.

I would also probably make my feral druid a tauren instead of a troll, even though I hate the way taurens look you spend almost all the time in beast form and the troll cats/bears look like vomit IMO.
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