Reroll Regrets.

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Recall an incident where you wanted to kick yourself in the neck for rolling the completely wrong Race for your class.

I've been kicking my self all day for my Orc Warrior. In my opinion Belf with it's AOE silence is a far superior race. I was blinded by an inferior Burst on Demand trinket and some expertise. You just can't count on the Orc Racial as a melee class in this bracket because of how easily you can be kited. But that comes with warrior in general. While the DPS boost is nice, it won't allow me to kill a key-healer like the silence will. Sometimes all you need is that extra hand to bring down a flag carrier and extra damage that'll just be healed over doesn't cut it.

Share your experience.
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Undead Rogue, for the griefing novelty of ganking levelers as an Undead Rogue. Making an Undead is a horrible decision for any Class, their Racials are just absolute trash (though, this was before the WotF Nerf, so they aren't quite as bad at the time, but still awful)

Night Elf Priest, should have been Human for the Spirit racial, and Night Elf Racials are garbage except for PvE Tanking

Human female Warrior, that I wished I had made a male (sex not race but whatever)

And anything that isn't a Human, for EMFH (though this doesn't apply to twink brackets without two DPS trinkets available)

And anything that wasn't a Human, when we still had Perception
Belf Mage for zeh Arenas. Nothing is as good. You know.

Orc Warrior. Get to know how to play and you don't need the Arcane Torrent. Wewt again.

Undead Priest. Its a PuG'ing char and I need to crutch on Cannabalize, because I'm such a Priest who DPS's and lets his teammates die, because he's oom.

Draenei Hunter. GotN for healsies on yourself when you plan to GY farm all day with no healers around.

NE Rogue. Shadowmeld. Should I say more?

Seems I made all the right choices.
Belf Mage for zeh Arenas. Nothing is as good. You know.

Orc Warrior. Get to know how to play and you don't need the Arcane Torrent. Wewt again.

Undead Priest. Its a PuG'ing char and I need to crutch on Cannabalize, because I'm such a Priest who DPS's and lets his teammates die, because he's oom.

Draenei Hunter. GotN for healsies on yourself when you plan to GY farm all day with no healers around.

NE Rogue. Shadowmeld. Should I say more?

Seems I made all the right choices.

I think you missed the point of the thread
Humm lemme see, I made a rdruid FC and went tauren and tauren has extra stam + aoe stun racial which is uber when ppl try to stop you...

I also have a BE priest mostly for arena rmp playing, and BE silence is just so op in arena...

I'll probably make a NE rogue or mage because shadowmeld is AS OP AS BE silence in arena except you need better timing and understanding of the metagame to use properly.

Also have a tauren priest on the making, just because tauren penance animation is win and /moo is op :D

Anyway i have no regrets for any of my chars :S
I regret not rolling only one toon. Too many alts to feed. I wish I had stayed with either a dorf enh shammy or a belf holy pally.
After upgrading my first human priest to a full account, I decided to make a Nelf priest based off everyone on this site saying that Nelf is best race for any alliance. Having played both, I can say, for my play style, human is way better. The only good thing about rolling a Nelf is if you like to defend in AB. Because you'll always be at a base by yourself or with like a rogue/Nelf hunter. Then, if you're not a Nelf, you'll be the first one dead.

Not that it matters, playing horde is way better than waiting in que.
Belf Mage for a pretty toon so you can sport a super hot mog. Nothing is as sexy. You know.

Orc Warrior. Get to know how to play and you don't need the Arcane Torrent. Wewt again.

Undead Priest. Its a PuG'ing char and I need to crutch on Cannabalize, because I'm such a Priest who DPS's and lets his teammates die, because he's oom.

Draenei Hunter. GotN for healsies on yourself when you plan to GY farm all day with no healers around.

NE Rogue. Shadowmeld. Should I say more?

Seems I made all the right choices.

Fixed that for you.
Umm sometimes I wish my mage was a human. But then I hit my shadowmeld button, and something amazing happens. I dont die! This is what reminds me that I made the right choice.

Warrior went NE because that was out of the question.

Belf Ret paladin bcuz tauren is super bad and belf is super hot.

Draenei priest for easy easy hit cap and shadow resist annddd GotN is pretty nice too.

Yeah seems I made the right choices. I guess you could make an argument for human/nelf priest but Draenei works for me :)
Sometimes I wish my enh shammy was draenei, and not a dwarf, But when you kill somebody and they go "WTFAMIDGETDWARFSHAMMYJUSTKILLEDME!!!??" You realize it was a good choice haha....

No but a draenei would have been nice for the heal, but the 10% damage reduction is pretty fun :) I just play for fun anyways.
I regret spending so much time on this character (Twisting Nether has a great ally community but not enough horde).

I'm just glad I didn't waste more time on it before making this hordie on Aggramar. But now I can't be assed to get the +16 armour on the new warrior... Damn, I'm lazy -.- Hahahaha
Umm sometimes I wish my mage was a human. But then I hit my shadowmeld button, and something amazing happens. I dont die! This is what reminds me that I made the right choice.

Warrior went NE because that was out of the question.

Belf Ret paladin bcuz tauren is super bad and belf is super hot.

Draenei priest for easy easy hit cap and shadow resist annddd GotN is pretty nice too.

Yeah seems I made the right choices. I guess you could make an argument for human/nelf priest but Draenei works for me :)

There's no reason to be a Human in this bracket, since you can't double DPS trinket anyway, and perception is gone (rest in peace). All Humans get is expertise with Swords/Maces, and Spirit that doesn't scale well at all for level 20

I'd say you made the right choice with Draenei, for the Hit, and Night Elf isn't bad for this bracket either, Shadowmeld can actually be used to juke retards who don't know how to play, and Nature resist = every so slightly less damage from Hunters
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