Requesting an Enhancement shaman guide :D

Enhancement shaman no longer gain spellpower from intellect or spellpower (as strange as that sounds) , Instead 55% of their agility counts towards their spellpower. as of 4.3

source: Patch 4.3.0 - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

This is wrong, partially. Enhancement Shamans no longer get spellpower from other effects for ONLY Enhancement spells. That means non-healing, ele spells. For Healing/Ele spells, which you use a fair amount in this bracket, spellpower still helps.
Good to have these kinds of class discussion topics; 1+ always know more than 1 F2P.

Isnt ghost wolf instant in MoP for all specs?

And yes I've read the same Byakuya, though I'll only believe it once I see it.
Look for any rogue guide, except that you need to remember that enc shaman gain more profit then rogues from expertise (parry lava lash will hurt you) and hit (rogue get 40% damage from white hits, enc 50%). You need slow MH and OH, so no dagger shamans plz . For PvP its like this expertise>agility>resilience>hit>stamina>crit>haste. You need resilience and hp more then crit and haste for survival, because you will have about 1k hp in BiS gear (1.2k with AGM). Going over ability hit cap is not a bad thing, because it will increase half of your damage.
Maybe I'm wrong, but its how I think.

is "expertise>agility>resilience>hit>stamina>crit>haste" really the important stat order for enhancement shamans?
and wouldn't the BoA mail armor be better than the BoA leather armor?
According to Cotus, I'm terrible at Enh shaman. That's cool and all, but I'll give you my 2 cents regardless.

My take on the Enh shaman is similar to shau's, except I roll hoggers and drakewing for max DPS. about 50% of enh dps is divided between white hits and flametongue procs, making hit your optimal DPS stat. I took resil shoulders on my shaman because i'm lacking hp, but either ones are fine. Here's my incomplete armory.Url @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
thanks! but still never answered my question.
what is the important stat order for an enhancement shaman?
This is wrong, partially. Enhancement Shamans no longer get spellpower from other effects for ONLY Enhancement spells. That means non-healing, ele spells. For Healing/Ele spells, which you use a fair amount in this bracket, spellpower still helps.

I tested this on the weekend:

Setting 1:
2x Venerable Mass of McGowan

Setting 2:
1x Venerable Mass of McGowan 1x Devout Aurastone Hammer

After around 40 Healing Surge with each setting (~300 heals non crit) there was like 0 difference (What i expected before).

Stam, Hit and Agility are by far the most important stats. Go for 4% spell hit. With that you should automatically end ~10% melee hit (Which is not too much because a very big part of your dps are white hits).

Int just makes your manapool larger. Expertise is nice in theory. But i loose too much stam with Foremans Gloves.

Dont take pure stat items without stam. Really. Better drop some crit instead.

But if you want to make your own experience:

BIS (no agm) offensive Enhance

BIS (no agm) defensive Enhance (I prefer)

Also get yourself a good shield (max. stam; max. armor).
Make yourself a weaponsweap macro.

It helps a lot to stay alive against hunters and rogues opener. With shield and 1h you have around 2x physical dmg reduction.

Always start with shield and McGowan. Switch when you are in melee range. Its a little tricky. But just practise.

That's just my cents.

But remember. Everbody should make his own experience resulting in personal preferences. Otherwise it would be boring ;-)

Thanks for the tip on Shields, I had dismessed them on the grounds that they were only for Ele spec.

Found this Shield Swap Macro, for those interested…
/equipslot [noequipped:shields] 17 MyShieldName
/equipslot [equipped:shields] 17 MyOffhandWep
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