EU+US Reminder, only scrubs twink on vet accounts!

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Just thought I'd remind the least skilled part of the WoW community that they should be in the xp-off brackets just like this websites name suggests instead of twinking to fight f2ps and levelers because you can't fight on equal footing. <3
U sound like a mad leveler that lost a bg, ngl
You sound like you lost the genetic lottery, born brain dead so you twink on a vet account because even playing on an even playing field vs other brain dead players is too daunting.
If you dislike vets and believe its unfair right now, just wait until prepatch. This definitely feels like a bait post though.
F2Ps calling vets bad.
You sound like you lost the genetic lottery, born brain dead so you twink on a vet account because even playing on an even playing field vs other brain dead players is too daunting.

Imagine being so lazy that you don’t even click on any of my characters in my signature where you can see that im a f2p lmao
Are you EU or something? Because that statement is 100000% false here in NA.
I play both, EU and NA. It's quite true, because at least they try to fight on a lower playing field and outperform people that outgear them instead of trying to outgear stuff to death because they can't win any other way.
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