Reliving the 80-84 OG Twink days on Classic - Pagle/Faerlina


Good afternoon all!

I know majority of us have been reminiscing on the OG Cataclysm and MoP days of the 80-84 bracket and even those currently enjoying 30-39s on retail! (or what's left that blizz hasn't completely taken over the past 10 years) Granted blizzard continues to do what they can on retail and classic (most the times unintentionally) to skew the twink bracket and remove what little excitement we have (rated even normal random xp on/xpoff name it), brackets are still remaining with players and thats always a good sight to see. My intentions of this post is to simply provide information on the current events/content that 80 twinks on classic are currently enjoying and provide guidance if any retail 30-39 enthusiasts are looking for additional side fun/events for the bracket we all know and love.

Currently on classic cataclysm
we have a fairly large 80 twink community that is comprised of new faces, also many OG/veteran 80/85 twinks from back in the day and the bracket continues to grow weekly just like it did in original cataclysm when 80-84s were introduced. Both active guilds on alliance & horde host 80-only raids, pvp sync q'ing, xserver arena wargame events and more. community & guild information below;

Current active 80 twink guilds:
<OS Gaming>
Horde 80 Twink guild on Faerlina - @<OS Gaming> Calaum (GM) btag: Calaum#1879 (Former original Cata/MoP guilds <Puritania> & <OS Gaming>)
<Eighty Nation> Alliance 80 Twink Guild on Pagle - @<Eighty Nation> “X” (GM) btag: Namexgaming#1711 (Former original Cata/MoP guilds <Dedicated Few> & <Twink Nation>)

Official 80 Twink Discord:

Bracket information and activity for transparency:
- Arena wargame events (2v2 / 3v3 / 5v5 / and 1v1 deathmatch system)
- Wintergrasp (Active pop every 3 hours)
- 80-only guild raids/events scheduled weekly
- As of now, blizzard has 80 bracket as stand alone, and remainder brackets under the 1-4s system it originally did (I.E. 71-74...75-79...81-84..)
Although it does impact battleground population and q times currently - our Wintergrasp pops (every 3 hours) and is 80-84 combined. Allowing guaranteed and enjoyable PvP pops daily
- Rated Arena/RBGs button currently giving "Join as group failed" - we are anticipating this to be fixed as we had rated arenas in OG Cata/MoP sub endgame levels.
- xserver invites for arena wargames / battlegrounds / dungeons currently work. xserver raids do not work and anticipated to be released during MoP like OG days.

We hope to see some new faces joining the bracket soon for those who are interested! Please reach out directly or join the discord for all 80-related bracket updates and information!

Btag: Namexgaming#1711
<Eighty Nation> Alliance 80 Twink Guild on Pagle
(raid + event days are Wednesdays and Saturdays)

Btag: Calaum#1879
<OS Gaming> Horde 80 Twink guild on Faerlina

Cheers to 80/30 twink brackets and have a great day!

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