Region Wide Battlegroup Matching - Final Phase - Completed 11/9

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hahha you and somethingleg are making me mad! i have a shadowfang un soulbound in my backpack should i use it :()()()? i have 2k gold to name too much twinking lol.
My queue times ranged from 2 to 10 minutes. I'm sure that they are still working on getting things working completely. I like the direction that it's going!
I'm happy just getting to play again after months of my twink collecting dust. Look forward to meeting more people in the battlegrounds.
Got a few games in so far, a bit rusty haha. Looking forward to the new competition, been waiting a looooooong time for this day hah.
cyoung said:
Got a few games in so far, a bit rusty haha. Looking forward to the new competition, been waiting a looooooong time for this day hah.

Saw you on your rogue. You made a really nice dash across the field for a flag cap in a losing WSG. Was the highlight of the BG from my POV.
Megamann said:
Saw you on your rogue. You made a really nice dash across the field for a flag cap in a losing WSG. Was the highlight of the BG from my POV.

There's someone I haven't seen in a long time. Used to go up against you all the time on my old 19 rogue (Gadar). How's it going?

Not to bad, the Qs tonight were a bit slow, give it some time.

Saw you on your rogue. You made a really nice dash across the field for a flag cap in a losing WSG. Was the highlight of the BG from my POV.

ya haha, luckily we returned it in time.
Inkobah said:
There's someone I haven't seen in a long time. Used to go up against you all the time on my old 19 rogue (Gadar). How's it going?


Hey buddy. Been a while. Should transfer the rogue over Horde side. Hopefully I'll be able to get the 19 guild up and running again. Already started seeing folks log on.

I mostly was playing my warrior the past few months, and of course RL keeping me busy too.

I'm assuming you still are owning the AH. I hardly ever check it myself.
I wasn't expecting them to merge the battle groups until cataclysm. I am pleasantly surprised! Vindication was a pretty weak twink community, and hasn't had a BG going in a long while. Its great that I can actually play on my twinks now. And it was certainly interesting seeing some peeps out there.
Lawlpurge said:
CYOUNGGG!!!! Omg man can't believe I'm seeing your name.... remember Twinkers Republic back in BC? Feels like 5 years ago. You and Zarlac and Tish were my twinking idols (I was a scrub back then in the guild). Wildhammer represent, fuck yeah Shadowburn!!!! Still have an ally hpally on 'hammer, can't wait to play with you :D.

Hey there, what was your character ? :p

I miss playing with the oldschool players from back in 2004-2005. lots of older players have moved on.
cyoung said:
Hey there, what was your character ? :p

I miss playing with the oldschool players from back in 2004-2005. lots of older players have moved on.

cyoung said:
Hey there, what was your character ? :p

I miss playing with the oldschool players from back in 2004-2005. lots of older players have moved on.

I played a resto druid name Jamesvile. This was back around 225 mining bug, the era of "super-twinks". I know that tish still plays, he's on Bleeding hollow as "Beau", a hunter. How is Wildhammer though? Would be VERY funny to see some peeps from Cry More Noobs :D. Can we reclaim the glory of Shadowburn?!
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