RECRUITING - [A]? - US - Are you a Gladiator on your main?

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Werked said:

As our A-Team is essentially filled, we will be closing recruitment until our official website is launched.

We have decided that we are going to play on Mannoroth - Alliance, and that the guild is going to be renamed <COMO> or <MANNER>. Members will decide through a vote for the name.

Thank you for all your responses and we will see you soon on the battlefield!

If you have any questions/comments, feel free to PM me here ( is a mostly temporary website, and I don't check it often).


We've picked up two more rank 1 gladiators, website is incoming shortly as well as recruitment to the general public.
Werked said:

We've picked up two more rank 1 gladiators, website is incoming shortly as well as recruitment to the general public.

Sounds good!
Pizza said:
Sounds good!

Pizza your so mean lol...the sad thing is that when Waw Tawent destroys these guys 3-0 and puts in on youtube we will never see or hear from them again...have fun hehe.
BigWuvz said:
Pizza your so mean lol...the sad thing is that when Waw Tawent destroys these guys 3-0 and puts in on youtube we will never see or hear from them again...have fun hehe.

Valued opinion. We're not going to lose a best of 3.
Vincent said:
Sounds good til they're ready to beat you, what you gonna do then? ruin their premade too?

If beating them is ruining their premade, then yes.

Werked, how long do you think it'll take before you guys are premade ready?
<another guild member/friend of werked

it may be a little while, the roster is currently quite scattered.
joelol said:
<another guild member/friend of werked

it may be a little while, the roster is currently quite scattered.

It'd be nice if you'd finish the website! Ya bum!

Pizza: We're currently still finalizing the roster (lots of people want in, not sure who's worth letting in - yet). I suspect also that there won't be activity until a week or two from now, there are a few of us who still need to finish our twinks before we xfer.
Werked said:
Valued opinion. We're not going to lose a best of 3.

Ah Werked, please dont take it personally. It has nothing to do with you or your guild, it simply has to do with the fact that you guys are twinking as an experiment, to try it out and run a premade. You will be fighting someone who does not twink for fun, but twinks as their MAIN, ie a person that has a level 85 for nothing other than providing perfect gear for a 19.

Pizza is a rare animal in that he and his guild make their main focus to discuss strats all the time and have practice absolutely destroying the very best twink guilds who run many premades.

My guild never got to fight him because we were Horde, but we fought GuP, who were absolutely brutal to fight, and Pizza beat them. I wish you the best, the task set in front of you is one that has been undertaken by many twink guilds, and all of them except Crushridge Legends have failed, good luck.
BigWuvz said:
Ah Werked, please dont take it personally. It has nothing to do with you or your guild, it simply has to do with the fact that you guys are twinking as an experiment, to try it out and run a premade. You will be fighting someone who does not twink for fun, but twinks as their MAIN, ie a person that has a level 85 for nothing other than providing perfect gear for a 19.

Pizza is a rare animal in that he and his guild make their main focus to discuss strats all the time and have practice absolutely destroying the very best twink guilds who run many premades.

My guild never got to fight him because we were Horde, but we fought GuP, who were absolutely brutal to fight, and Pizza beat them. I wish you the best, the task set in front of you is one that has been undertaken by many twink guilds, and all of them except Crushridge Legends have failed, good luck.

We're essentially a better version of Crushridge Legends. We actually have a few of their old members in our roster! Haha.

Oh, and by the way, the strategy we will be using will force Pizza's guild to play like we are - none of this gimmicky crap I've been reading about. They will most likely have better chemistry as a group, but it wont matter.
I might have an ''emotion'' if you guys manage to beat WT.
Werked said:
We're essentially a better version of Crushridge Legends. We actually have a few of their old members in our roster! Haha.

Oh, and by the way, the strategy we will be using will force Pizza's guild to play like we are - none of this gimmicky crap I've been reading about. They will most likely have better chemistry as a group, but it wont matter.

The mistake every guild makes when fighting Pizza is that they heavily underestimate his Defense. Pizza's Defence (with him at the helm and a very good resto druid running flag) does insane dps, so many people make the error of loading up thinking they will destroy his FC, they will never get to them, before you say that looks easy...

Consider the following honeslty. Can you beat Pizza with just one healer? Ok, now 2 healers and 2 other dps? How are you going to make it to their FC, Pizza runs a 5 man D. No go back and look at the videos Waw Tawent puts up of their premades, see how they only show the offence? I.e. no data on the D. The way CR beat them was having a lot of great healing and massive CC use. You had better make sure that every member of your team has Engy for bombs, hundreds will be thrown that premade.

Pizza I am sure doesn't mind this sort of discussion, he likes competition, in fact he hasnt had a good fight in a year now.

Good luck, you will need it.
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