Re-Rate my Hunter (19)


Yes I went with a different approach this time, I stacked haste! Why? Well because of the increased attack speed and focus regeneration, I still maintained a Good DPS. When I pop lifeblood I get a 44.39% haste rating, some might not aggree, but I find myself doing more damage in BG's... Give me your opinions on haste stacking... or any ideas you have for me... RATE not HATE!
Well, on your weapon i think your giving up a lot of burst without the 25agi. I guess its a viable build by what you say though, ( i dont play hunters :p ). But if your using armor of the fang, and nothing else from the set you might as well use a Tunic of Westfall if you have one. Also, Boa Helm.
and yes, the 25 agi does cost me, but i think it was a good trade, cause when I switch out my Impaling harpoon which has the +25 agi, I actually lose a .1 dps, which made me think twice about haste.
But its more about burst than steady dps. A healer can heal through steady dps, but you need that burst to quickly take someone out.
interesting build :) was thinking of trying haste what with auto shot while moving. But why do u have 15 hit rating? 10 is the cap iirc. lose the boot enchant and go minor speed.
Nice build I personally like Rockslicer better

Rockslicer - Item - World of Warcraft


Binds when picked up Two-Hand Axe

47 - 72 Damage Speed 3.40

(17.6 damage per second)

+7 Agility

Durability 75 / 75

Requires Level 15

Item Level 20

Equip: Increases your critical strike rating by 7 (3.71% @ L15).
I haven't played in 19s for years, back in the day minor speed was required. I'm not sure anymore, but it sounds good to me
Dutchman said:
But its more about burst than steady dps. A healer can heal through steady dps, but you need that burst to quickly take someone out.

Basically, this. While you're 2.5% over hit cap (which changing the boot enchant could help remedy), you're also at 23.69% crit. Most BIS worgen hunters are sitting at around 38% or better. I can't help but think that a possible 15% crit deficit would result in a noticeable lack of burst.

BOE chest and shoulders you can get easily now without a main via the honor to justice point conversion. The helm requires dedication if you don't have a main that you raid/dungeon frequently with. Best you can do is join a guild and do your 25 dailies. Will be a long haul, and it won't be fun, but eventually you'll get there. Best of luck man -

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