Rayu the Explorer

And a title makes your twink better? Sorry, it doesn't. A twink is someone who fights in battlegrounds. Equipment, professions and your skill affect that... not whether you happen to be "the explorer" or not.
You're right. Shame on him for working (well more like wasting) his time on something that he wanted.
So far I've seen 3 of these guys with 'the Explorer' in Reckoning EU, and funny thing is they are all pretty bad when it comes up to gameplay.

It sums up with my thoughts which I have about 19 guys, based on own experience over the last few years. There are 3 typical twinks:

- The young annoying and ignorant ones, who love to copycat to make it themselves a hell of a lot easier. Typical keyboardturners who don't look to stats like weapon-speed and have asked about a thousand times 'Where do you get hat??!!11!11one11!' before they actually start investing time in gathering information themselves. Funny thing is they tend to ding when they enter STV.

- The farmers. The guys who invest a shitload of time in gathering all gear, every possible item which coulb be used by their class, but honestly they don't know whatfor. They also put a lot of effort in things like Titles, reputation, useless achievements, farming AH, etc, but hardly play arena's/wsg because they know their skills don't match up with their gear. Hence why they re-roll class and server like about every 2 months.

- The 19's who dó know what they're doing.
cherzra said:
And a title makes your twink better? Sorry, it doesn't. A twink is someone who fights in battlegrounds. Equipment, professions and your skill affect that... not whether you happen to be "the explorer" or not.


It's epeen, that's all. I'm slowly getting it on my my warlock. Okay, doesn't improve my skill, but makes me feel better about this twink than my others, as I've put far much more effort into it, that's my 2c though.

@Nat, I'm not at Reckoning, you was at Aygat@FW, right? You remember, Kim, the fiery mage? He has it, well, till he quit that is.
ePeen means fucking nothing, just because Drayner has said it once or twice, you all jump on the bandwagon "IM GETIN DIS 4 MY EPEEN"
ePeen means fucking nothing, just because Drayner has said it once or twice, you all jump on the bandwagon "IM GETIN DIS 4 MY EPEEN"


Umm I don't think Drayner said "all the cool twinks are getting the Explorer title". Plus even if he did, I really doubt anyone actually would actually go out and do it just because he said to.
Noo said:

@Nat, I'm not at Reckoning, you was at Aygat@FW, right? You remember, Kim, the fiery mage? He has it, well, till he quit that is.

Yes, I was in Aygat at Rampage with my priest. And of course I know Kîm. He started out on Talnivarr. We go a long way back to be honest. And the fact that he got it doesn't change my opinion in general :)
Natasya said:
So far I've seen 3 of these guys with 'the Explorer' in Reckoning EU, and funny thing is they are all pretty bad when it comes up to gameplay.

It sums up with my thoughts which I have about 19 guys, based on own experience over the last few years. There are 3 typical twinks:

- The young annoying and ignorant ones, who love to copycat to make it themselves a hell of a lot easier. Typical keyboardturners who don't look to stats like weapon-speed and have asked about a thousand times 'Where do you get hat??!!11!11one11!' before they actually start investing time in gathering information themselves. Funny thing is they tend to ding when they enter STV.

- The farmers. The guys who invest a shitload of time in gathering all gear, every possible item which coulb be used by their class, but honestly they don't know whatfor. They also put a lot of effort in things like Titles, reputation, useless achievements, farming AH, etc, but hardly play arena's/wsg because they know their skills don't match up with their gear. Hence why they re-roll class and server like about every 2 months.

- The 19's who dó know what they're doing.

The way you said that made you say that people with "useless" titles don't know what they are doing. At least that's my impression of what you said.

Why do you guys even discuss whether this is a waste or not? If you feel like this is a waste, leave it. Don't bother doing this. Let the ones who feels like doing this do this. In my opinion achievements like this, the diplomat and etc shows a lot of dedication, but not necessarily twink-dedication.
Gratz on the explorer title man, that is pretty cool. But if my math is correct (some rounding very quickly) isn't that like 1 death every 5 min? but then of course you have to run from a GY back to your corpse so that takes time (maybe 1-2 min?) so really it's like 1 death ever 2-3 min on average? Is that a fair statement?
Lol wtf digging up flaming topics with my name on it? =P

Grabco said:
Gratz on the explorer title man, that is pretty cool. But if my math is correct (some rounding very quickly) isn't that like 1 death every 5 min? but then of course you have to run from a GY back to your corpse so that takes time (maybe 1-2 min?) so really it's like 1 death ever 2-3 min on average? Is that a fair statement?

No mate there's a 2 minute timer for ressurection when you get past level 10. Apart from that I had to do everything by reading my map and the list of locations all the time, I had no addons and used no netlimiter.

@ Zuluhed; If you're doing it with netlimiter you disgust me, otherwise I wish you good luck.
Rayu said:
Yes but that can only be done by hacking.

All help was from about 10 different warlocks and 20 assistents.

I just /who'd them, and they all helped free of charge. =P

Hacking? The only place you can't solo is the 4-5 areas in outland...
iaccidentallytwink said:
Hacking? The only place you can't solo is the 4-5 areas in outland...

Hacking -> Using netlimiter

You can reach some mountain tops in Storm Peaks and you can't get to one cliff in Scholozar, that's all I remember.
Rayu said:
Hacking -> Using netlimiter

You can reach some mountain tops in Storm Peaks and you can't get to one cliff in Scholozar, that's all I remember.

I know for sure 100% (READ: ALL OF NORTHREND) is soloable, because I've done it solo.
Noo said:
Not ALL is soloable. Unless I'm crazy. You need like, 4 summons.

No. unless somehow they added those areas after I got explorer...

Die. Rez at a higher area. Repeat.


Die near a new area. Rez at the spirit healer at the new area. Repeat.
Noo said:
Not ALL is soloable. Unless I'm crazy. You need like, 4 summons.

I believe that is about true.

Place called Frosthold or something, it's an immensely high plateau which you can't get to yourself without using netlimiter so you need a summon.
Rayu said:
I believe that is about true.

Place called Frosthold or something, it's an immensely high plateau which you can't get to yourself without using netlimiter so you need a summon.

Netlimiter has nothing to do with that... you obviously have no idea what Netlimiter does.

And no, you can get it without summons.

There's this single spot where you can die, rez higher, then aggro a mob via ranged throw, then die and finally rez at a higher area and discover. That was the last area I got.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Netlimiter has nothing to do with that... you obviously have no idea what Netlimiter does.

And no, you can get it without summons.

There's this single spot where you can die, rez higher, then aggro a mob via ranged throw, then die and finally rez at a higher area and discover. That was the last area I got.

My last area was Crystal Lake near Goldshire. =P

Anyways; it were the lock summons that kept me going, those people really supported me. Wouldn't have been as much fun so I wouldn't do it without if I'd ever do it again.

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