Ravencrest EU Return of the mass level 19/20 shop

Like i did it the past i supply for the masses at a rate you can all afford. Instead of ripping people off why share a market when i can have it all.
you should pay more attention to stats, harm rings worth alot more than say fireflash or quickblade.
Updated the auction house on ravencrest EU got some new items and alot of sales right now.
Latest item found cloth hands/socket and speed.


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Found this beauty from a lockbox and have updated many items on ah with reduced prices

Trinket with mastery/socket and leech at a reasonable price
[doublepost=1630872919,1630861773][/doublepost]Restocked the ah with more sockets/speed/leech etc etc i'm going to start operation MOP head farm so won't be farming these for a few days as got to level another army.

So help yourself on ravencrest EU to affordable twink goods.


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Bump, updated my items on ah ravencrest EU and as for this morning level 25 weapons/offhands/wands are now on ah with sockets/leech/speed
along with more 28 items cheaper than all.
Someone all ready bought it all and is properly gonna sell is for a higher price.
or it expired, anyway he doesnt care. Hes got his money and is gonna undercut whoever bought it. He already described his business plan.
Bump. More items on the auction house weapons offhands shields and in the last hour this beauty of a item that dropped leather legs of the harmonious with socket and speed.

Me 110k along with alot of items and then some.
This item won't last long i bet.


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Bump updated on Ravencrest EU with alot more gear and equipment including my latest big item
Cloak Feverflare Socket with leech along with 5-8 pieces of similar Armour and weapons with same traits or slightly Different.

Also decided on prices for all things as follows.

All normal gear either with the following
between 500-4000g Rule does not apply to weapons/back/rings
Socket Speed Socket Leech Armour Weapons 35-100k does not apply to rings and cloaks
Socket on rings/Cloaks 75k-100k each
Socket Speed Socket Leech 150-300k each on Rings and Cloaks

Also as you can see in under 12 days nearly at 8 million gold want gold cap by Saturday lets see how much business you like to give in exchange for affordable twink gear enjoy.


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