EU (Ravencrest A) (Stormscale H) Enchant Bug Service


Hey 20s, I'm back at it again with the enchant bugging service

I have an alt account that's currently subbed specifically for enchant bugging and I'll keep it subbed as long as I have customers paying gold for the service :)

Bind on Equip shoulders are for 25k

Dungeon loot is for 25k (Including gloves with 7 stamina if you desire it)

BFA belt tinkers are for 150k.
If you don't know what BFA belt tinkers are, you can get either an on use absorb shield that can absorb around 1000 damage (it scales with hp, so if you have low hp, the absorb will be higher), a 5 second fear, and a knockback effect. All three are a 10 minute cooldown.

If you want to use my service feel free to add me on battlenet or on discord, my tags to add me are below in my signature. Cya ingame :)

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