Rated battleground


Hi i am beatmyhealz(Icriteasy,kitelol,Horusjr, my other twinks) off of Whirlwind battle group/Lightbringer Realm I am getting together a Rated battleground here preaty soon got enough people and was just looking for someone to Que into to If anyone gots 15/10 matters on the week that we can Que into Come to lightbringer add one of my Toons i will probly be on from 4pm central tell 11pmCentral time on the week days and If anyone wants to try getting a match set up PST and we can talk about it OR post on the fourm and i will try responding Ok
not related to rated Bgs, and sorry to go offsubject, but nice 3s tonight :). Im the pally, Impro, and yea.. first night queuing the comp, felt like you guys were a tough fight, but zomg burst during solar beam O.O
yeah we had like Serious lag issues the mage was lagging and i was lagging and the palyl wasn't lol

But when your que'ing Hit me up i would love to Que into you guys

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