Rate my Windwalker Monk!

Pyriumweaponchain on the 2nd mace to get whitehitcapped. If you want to play a full crit windwalker monk (i dont even know why) use the heirloom sword.
From my experience if you can switch fast enough You want atleast 3-4 different boa weapons, maybe 5 depending on situation. 2 with crusader 2 with 15 agil and 1 with pyrium. Now from talking with another monk on US side we have different views of opinions.

I feel rocking the Pyrium Weapon all the time is most benefical as most of your damage comes from the Windwalker procs that deals additional damage never missing white hits increases that proc change tenfold. Now he feels that you get the most damage from running 2 Crusaders switching to 2 15 agil when you get an enchantment proc. Which for Special attacks yes you would do more damage with that. It all comes down to personal Opinion. Some people say Momentum sucks (like junno above) but me personally I prefer Momentum it all depends on play style. I hope I helped out some
The best weapons would be 1 fang with 15 agi in MH and 1 heirloom mace with weaponchain in OH. If you dont have a fang use 2x Mace. I said that you should use the sword if you want to go in full crit gear. Imo a full crit build isn't that good. Rather go with maces + the loom legs + Feet of the lynx.
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Now he feels that you get the most damage from running 2 Crusaders switching to 2 15 agil when you get an enchantment proc. Which for Special attacks yes you would do more damage with that.

Thanks for the tips, never thought about that, i think i'll go for 2 crusader and 2 15 agi :)
The best weapons would be 1 fang with 15 agi in MH and 1 heirloom mace with weaponchain in OH. If you dont have a fang use 2x Mace. I said that you should use the sword if you want to go in full crit gear. Imo a full crit build isn't that good. Rather go with maces + the loom legs + Feet of the lynx.

I'm getting a full loom gear or more Stam and still a bit Agi if i want to go Brewmaster or just stay Windwalker just a bit tankier :) Thanks for the tips and all :)
Pretty sure crusa procs w/ barrells as BM (confirm?) so that would be better as BM.

They do. And yes crusader is the best choice for a BM. When playing BM in premades i use 2x crusader on 2 mcgowans.
Threw my experience if You can get the Honor Staff of Jordan that is best for BMs with the high stam and the resilence its perfect for a BM monk
I usually go with +2 weapon damage on my swords... It's just my opinion

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