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That One OG

Lol, the level ten rogue is in its "noob" stage... I give it a 5/10

Cant get AGMx2 until 3.2 (WC run limited my exp to 668 left lol)

I'll attempt for fishing hat but no promises

I'm getting 225 skinning, thats not a big deal

3.2 i will have more access to different items and more health, crit and dodge, but hey, I'm having a blast ;)
nice so far, i know its a ball ache but get 225 herb when you get your hat.
and drop down to 600 hp? eh, i'll wear the haliscan ;)

I was either going for 225 mining or 225 herb, i'll decide later lol
herb > mining imo

and the darkmoons are very nice to up your crit or ap, on my hunter i rarely use the +150 chant and use my 2 darkmoons a lot more (I use the crit one and the ap one).

but perhaps for a rogue you are right and you can't miss the stamina as much. in case it's usefull, my hunt:[char=eu-Stormrage]I%C3%AFl%C3%AFl%C3%AFl%C3%AFl%C3%AFl[/char] (if not ignore ;p)

p.s.: wouldn't fiery on MH be better? allso get Voice Amplification Modulator, best neck for a lvl 10; Savanah Bracers if you want more stamina; Rambling Boots as an option for more agility (i guess you're working on trinkets). for the rest nice twink!
Looks pretty good Icanhascookie, I assume you plan on going for all the sweet sweet quest items once 3.2 hits, correct? Stuff like Beastmaster's Girdle, Ring of Scorn, Talonstrike, Gloves of the Moon, Camouflaged Tunic and such?

Other than that - looks pretty good :D You could also collect your Arena Master trinkets, and wait for 3.2 to turn them in? o_O

Also...a question for you - you sir have caught my eye with all these shenanigans, how do you think you will fare without BoA items? o_O I'm assuming pretty well, because the shoulders aren't too major, and the weapons you use are better...but?
Spooksters said:
Also...a question for you - you sir have caught my eye with all these shenanigans, how do you think you will fare without BoA items? o_O I'm assuming pretty well, because the shoulders aren't too major, and the weapons you use are better...but?

I do fairly well 1v1 against any class minus hunter ;)

Collecting the trinkets and not turning them in, kinda what I thought :3

as for dropping skinning, I can't do that. Its the ONLY thing that gives me a fair amount of DPS with critting every other hit.

Yes when 3.2 comes out I'll collect more gears for more health, dodge and crit ^^

I have to collect ANY OTHER GEAR when 3.2 comes out, I couldnt get the savanna bracers sadly along with the +1 agi bow.

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