I find most of the responses in this thread to be very condescending.
Barakoshama is suggesting a different way to gear your retribution paladin, a way that actually may be better. Weapon damage is ret's most important "stat". You're hitting like a noodle cause ret at 19/20 generally hits like a noodle. Some things gear can't change, and while I think crit helps significantly ret still has trouble dealing damage cause of the class at this level, right now.
You're support. Your best work is assisting kills, off healing (Lay on Hands or them 3k Flash of Light crits), cleansing poisons, stuff like that. You're not gonna be running around killing everything in sight, crit or str build but you're a strong support. At least, this is
my understanding of current level 20 ret paladin.
I've been wanting to make a ret paladin for awhile now and I've just been re-specing my holy paladins on and off. After seeing this thread, I thought it was an interesting idea so I made a ret paladin.
Retribooshin @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft
Rings were a pain and my satchel luck has been terrible, but pretty fun so far! Not sure how I'm gonna hitcap after boas, really don't want to have to get DPR.