Rate my 80 Twink Hunter!

are pve stacking hunters even viable for pvp @ 80? Or are you just doing it for pve... which makes no sense.
jw-ing what dps you do on an icc boss
You need Alchemy.and should go Marksmen with that gear you'll do a lot more damage.

Props for Rhok'delar, I have on as well.

edit: 25k for a Hunter is bad in ICC, you'd be doing 40k+ as Marksman.
I'd replace Grace since you'll be near crit cap and might even go over when it procs. Reforge out of crit into mastery to make sure you don't get crit capped /w DBW procced.
Go smack a dummy until DBW procs and see what it jumps to when you get agility or crit buff. If it goes over 100% reforge it down, if not, leave it be or reforge to where you only hit 100%.
It depends on your server. I'd just pick it up Herbalism and get mats to about 300 and then buy the rest. Should run 2-5k
Well, my hunter is complete now, I did some theory crafting with the best hunter on my realm about the reforging process I should take. I got 525 Alchemy in about 2 days and got my trinket, pretty much the only thing my hunter needs now is the +50 agi gem for my trinket and I think it's full BiS. :)
Well, I have a lvl 80 Hunter Twink too.
Let´s have a look Murya @ Azshara - Spiel - World of Warcraft
And btw... i´m looking for a lvl 80 Guild EU. But can't find any active. Maybe someone can help me or give me some advise.
The only thing to improve are the boots I think (and ofc. the Profession). Need Halion 25Hc boots. iLvL 284
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Well, I have a lvl 80 Hunter Twink too.
Let´s have a look Murya @ Azshara - Spiel - World of Warcraft
And btw... i´m looking for a lvl 80 Guild EU. But can't find any active. Maybe someone can help me or give me some advise.
The only thing to improve are the boots I think (and ofc. the Profession). Need Halion 25Hc boots. iLvL 284

Yeah, I'm trying to get a Heroic Halion group together sometime this week to try and get those boots, they're a big upgrade for me... then after that, I'll be 100% BiS! :D

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