Rate my 39 Hunter on Garona - Strydar

Sorry - at work and can not get to armory to post a link.

Strydar is a Survival Hunter on Garona.

To do list:

Finish leveling Engineering (just don't feel there's a lot of items that do me much good at 300 engineering)

Waiting for 3.2 to go grab the Robes of the Lich

Make the switch to Shadowforged Bushmaster - so that I don't need to use my hordie to farm arrows out of Uldaman (just something not right about an elf with a gun though)

Let me know - always looking to improve.

Also - contact me if you're interested in rolling, transferring or playing a toon on Garona and joining <Pocket Change>. We're an upcoming twink guild looking to help others to make a name for ourselves.

Well, gear-wise:

You're desperately lacking hit and you don't have the hit talent to make up for it. SO-

Swap the pith helmet for a Comfortable Leather Hat if you can find one on your server. They're incredibly cheap to make, but the LWing pattern is pretty rare.

I'd swap out the enchant on your feet for Surefooted(10 crit/10 hit)

A. The hit is wonderful while the crit is a nice bonus

B. I have a 39 hunter, and there are so few times where I have to chase down someone and the extra speed would matter. Usually, if someone's confident enough to run away from me, they'd get away anyway due to one skill or another.

Perhaps it's a preference thing, but I value the hit far more.

If you're engineering, you should just cop out and grab The Silencer if you can since, with the bullets, it's a little more damage overall.

You say you're getting Robes of the Lich after 3.2, but you're not specced into Careful Aim, so honestly, it's not really worth it unless you respec, which would be my suggestion anyway.

By dropping your final 8 points in SV for Lethal Shots and Careful Aim, you'd be gaining 3% in crit, Robes of the lich would still give you AP, and you have an excuse to drop Obsidian Cleaver for Vanquisher's Blade and any other miscellaneous 1-hander, both enchanted with 30 int.

Dual wielding, I'm getting 104 AP and 900 mana(since mana is an issue for us at our bracket).

You're only getting 75 AP and 190 HP

You'd also get an excuse to swap Aquamarine signet of Agi for Falcon.



That's mine if you want to compare.

Do you feel like the trade-off of HP is worth the build? The major thing the Cleaver gives me is 190 HP. Sure I can increase the DPS, but sometimes it's having the 2600+ that puts me over the top on a 1 on 1 vs. those sneaky rogues or in-your-face warriors. Not saying you're wrong - just want to know thoughts about the loss of Stam.

This is my guy, HP isn't too much of a worry for me considering AGM, lifeblood, belt heals, and health pots
my hunters in my sig and i just started leveling herbalism for the hot, and i dont carry health pots, with buffs i get up to 2900hp wich takes a skilled rogue to stunlock me long enough to kill me 1vs1 and i gain ap from stam and int with my build
For me, having tidal charm and lifeblood, I find myself able to keep alive in those scenarios fairly easily.

Entrapment makes kiting warriors almost too easy from my experience. There's rarely a time you should find a warrior like that able to stay on you.

For arenas, your set and spec are definitely where they should be, but for anything less than that, 2300 is a pretty golden amount of HP, which, if you can count on buffs, is easy to reach.

If you see yourself as more of a cautious player already, the extra HP is wasted, but if you're more gung-ho, then yeah, perhaps it's best to keep as much survivability as you have available.

In any case though, you NEED the hit.
Very very nice. I'd recommend getting SFBM and some hit to your gloves, it will increase your DPS by more than what 26 AP does.

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