Rate my 19 warrior?!

Hi, I just made a new level 19 warrior and i was wondering if i could get some advice on gear or am i set till i get Arena Grand Master / Lucky Fishing Hat?

I am hoping to get my BOA shoulders soon =/ i just spent all my heroism/valor getting 2h boa and all shards getting druids boa shoulders.

heres my wowarmory link


I am getting my professions up and i will drop engineering to get skinning when i get my lucky fishing hat. I have a offset of weapons for defensive stance. Redbeard Crest+7 stam and Cruel Barb+ 15 str. Any advice or what.

Scale of 1-10 how bad is he:)
Hmm only thing I'd suggest is leggings of the fang instead of your current legs, blackened defias armor if you want more stam/crit and perhaps deviate scale belt. Everyone seems to be obsessed with hit cap these days, so I'm sure you'll hear a bunch about that. :p Other than that, looks fine.
What you still need;

- Lucky Fishing Hat (unlearn engineering the moment you get it and get mining instead)

- Polished Shoulders of the Valor

- Spidersilk Drape

- Blackened Defias Armor, though Armor of the Fang is arguably better

- 9 stamina enchant on bracers

- Leggings of the Fang, 9 agility beats 1 stamina

- 2x AGM, 1x Inherited Insignia of the Horde, swap when on CD

- 225/225 herby and mining

I'm not going to give you a grade, I'm not a warrior player myself so you might want to wait for better advise.

Good luck mate.
i have steel clapsed bracers with 9 stam on em for the stam set so im getting 9 str on current

I still can't manage to get someone to do Minor Speed Increase and Felsteel Shield Spike.

Oh, and a dumb GM to return my professions to 225.

If i miss a white hit then that is 80-100 damage wasted.

And even worse if i miss a hamstring that loses us a game.

Get hit capped its worth losing 1-2% crit and abit of stam.
Yupp said:
If i miss a white hit then that is 80-100 damage wasted.

And even worse if i miss a hamstring that loses us a game.

Get hit capped its worth losing 1-2% crit and abit of stam.

if you get 1 crit, you do 80-100 more dmg which would make up for it.
Ok you guys can wear your silly caster cloaks if you beleive it helps.. im not stopping you
Ramune said:
Ok you guys can wear your silly caster cloaks if you beleive it helps.. im not stopping you

Lol you just became my hero with that caster cloak comment.
+1 on [item]Spidersilk Drape[/item]

Agility is helpful but not that great on a warrior. All it really does is crit. The armor and slight +dodge make little to no difference.

Hit Rating, on the other hand, vastly outclasses agility as a dps attribute. 4 of it when you only have access to 2 decent pieces of gear with +hit is awesome. Spidersilk is 4 stam 4 hit and that's pretty much the best you can get.

My enchantment recommendation for back is +5 resists. It's your only decent option to get some resistance and it's +5 against all schools. Paladins, mages, warlocks, even stings from hunters are unaffected by your strong mail armor.

Polished spaulders of valor has already been mentioned... it's +6 str +6 stam +4 crit 148 armor.

[item]Armor of the Fang[/item] is only good imo if you're going for the +4 expertise. It's not necessarily a bad idea but I've never given it a try. [item]Leggings of the Fang[/item] is best in slot for legs anyway so you get to pick your last fang piece. I'd recommend [item]Gloves of the Fang[/item] but [/item]Footpads of the Fang[/item] is also usable. The mail alternative is better for both of them so only get the 3-set.

Otherwise [item]Blackened Defias Armor[/item] is the best chest you can get.

Definitely get +9 stam or str on those bracers. I'll recommend stamina since your health is pretty low.

+10 haste to gloves may be better than +15 agility. I haven't done the numbers but I know the haste has a nice conversion rate at 19 and is most effective with slow, 2h weapons. Both of your options for hands are BoE so it's worth getting a second pair and trying it out.

Definitely stick with and level herbalism. Once you get to the point where you can farm liferoot you're in easy lane. Just go up and down the river in Hillsbrad once an hour or so and you'll be at 225 in a few days at most. Mobs that aggro to you can be ditched quickly by crossing the water. 720 health over 5 seconds at the right time is basically like having an extra 72 stamina.

That's all I can think of for now. Good luck and enjoy.

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