rate my 19 rogue

na i prefer nelf for the extra agi. also shadowmeld in my opinion is better than an extra AGM. 120 hp is just 1 crit, nothing special. and it means an extra ambush.
so your saying that a 5 min trinket and losing 3 exp is better than a couple agi gain and shadowmeld. The 2 min trinket is the game changer and also on offense in any competitive game ur shadowmeld won't be the difference of you winning the game. That 120 health or your trinket being up for the last push on O in the last couple of minutes will be.
and im not dissing your logic, Curley. i understand what you're saying. but im not about to sped 25 dollars just to go human when i enjoy having a vanish better. just my opinion.
I dont think hes premading, nelf is a really nice race for pugs. Im still human because the 2min trink saves my ass all the time. But an extra ambush would be a fun thing to have, for 1v1 atleast.
First of all giving critizism for the choosing of race is lame, especially when everything else is flawless. No need to search for things to pick on. Imo belf beats both nelf and human.
Fishnchips said:
First of all giving critizism for the choosing of race is lame, especially when everything else is flawless. No need to search for things to pick on. Imo belf beats both nelf and human.

Yea i am a belf wouge but for ally human is def best choice. Those racials fit into a character's rating just as well as gear IMO.
curleypwnsu said:
Yea i am a belf wouge but for ally human is def best choice. Those racials fit into a character's rating just as well as gear IMO.

When it comes to gear, it is only one BiS set (atleast atm) when it comes to racials its all about personal preferance, so you cant say that anything is better unless u compare the dorf with the human, therefor giving a rating on race is stupid.

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