Rare rares :)



Crimson Deathcharger - 200k

Tabard of the Lightbringer - 200k

Also interested in Shadowfangs, tcg mounts.. And rare recipes.

In-game mail: Lequil on Turalyon EU alliance side.

What the in-game mail has to contain:

Your real ID + skype name (if you have skype - prefered)

What you have for sale.

Every trade will be on my realm.

What I have?:

Gold to pay you for whatever you have.

2x Muradin's Favor

9x Vial of the Sands

1x Wooly White Rhino

1x Assasin's Blade

1x Sulfuron Hammer

- Will consider trades; rare for rare.

Example: 2x muradin's favor + vial of the sands for your Tabard of the Lightbringer.
i have a gloomshroud chest (very rare, not able to get in game anymore) ... let me know what you'd trade me... terenas Horde US
blueisbetterthanyou said:
do people not farm for shadowmourne on eu anymore ? because on us servers you can find deathchargers for 40-60k mad easy

Depends on the server they pull 80-100k pretty ez as well

also gold farmers have been known to "dupe" chargers
Crimson Deathcharger on my realm AH 250k D:

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