Rare Items

i was just wondering if someone could make me a list of the rarest items in 19 29 39 and 49 brackets and how much there worth. I need it because just found a bunch of twinks item and not sure if there rare or not. Thanks
Wouldn't it be smarter to post the items you have? Then people could give you a good opinion on how rare they are.
i could do that but was feeling a bit lazy today. But what i really want is just a list of like the RAREST items in the bracket i listed below.
Well sadly i agree with Nova. If you don't tell us what you have were not going to spend a lot of time gathering a list for you : / The only reason i would see you saying this is that you were trying to just be anoying and in the way. But anyways, post a list of items and we will tell you which ones are valuable or not.
well im wasnt trying to be annoying and if you red my second post im asking for THE RAREST like spellshocks. But anyway i guess ill try to post a list later when i can get on.
spellshock - thats about it

other rarer items are ribsplitters, soulcatcher halo, chans robes, mindseye, etc...but those are still fairly common items. spellshocks are the rarest of the rare.

if you post a list of your items im sure myself or someone else would try to tell you how rare they are
many of the ulduar drops that aren't in the farmable sections for PoD, i.e. miners hat of the deep. of course spellshocks too lol
I think you might mean uldaman. But honestly stat lenses aren't worth shit and should be mailed directly to arktide - medivh (horde)
Crilicilyn said:
many of the ulduar drops that aren't in the farmable sections

you're thinking of uldaman, aka ulda. also that gear still drops there (afaik & hear) but only off the certain mobs with high enough levels - like the naked dwarf casters and shit. plz correct me if im wrong, but the stuff is still in game and drops in there, im 99.999999% sure. so they are in fact farmable, people just have to do it or hope a leveler sells the gear that drops for them.

also, yea my short list of stuff earlier was only for 49s...dont really know shit about the other brackets cept stat lenses (perfects especially), PoD, stonevault bonebreaker (?) yea that seems like the rarest of the rare...but not an expert by any means on 19s/29s/39s
for 19s, The rares only really include Shadowfang and perfect wranglers. There are the odd couple of items like perfect ap scouting boots that are rare aswell, but theyre all pretty farmable with the exception of SF.
19 - Shadowfang, Perfect Wranglers

29 - Hotshot Pilot's Gloves, gnomeregan BoE pants

39 - PoD, perfect lenses, Stonevault bonebreaker

49 - Spellshock Leggings, Soulcatcher Halo

here are some
If you want to see a really rare item try finding a 9/9 [item]Runed Ring[/item] of the eagle. (yes it is not in the wowhead list but if you check the armory here you see that they do exist The World of Warcraft Armory).

They are a ZF only drop and they are of the same ilvl as spellshocks. So the ring only drops of the same mobs as spellshocks do but even if they drop they also have to be of the right variation and also perfect.

So they ring is probably the rarest item in the 49 bracket however that does not say they are actually wanted :p.
Trespasser said:
So they ring is probably the rarest item in the 49 bracket however that does not say they are actually wanted :p.

yea it could very well be the rarest item - especially a perfect version. its good, but i dont think it would sell for much just b/c there are better rings/sidegrades or ones just slightly worse but are a lot more common. for example mindseye circle has 5 sta, 8 int, 9 sp and is a lot more common.
mindseye is pretty rare, but my pally has it and i know others with it. unlike the runed ring which is unheard of. its b/c mindseye can drop off more mobs than runed ring can

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