Rank the most important classes in WSG

Tried to make a survey but I think just listing the most important classes (ie the classes that can make or break a game). My reasons are that non other class can replace the utility in 19 WSG

1.Druid (Best FC hands down and can heal)

2.Shaman (Back up FC and all around OP)

3.Hunter/Mage/Priest (tie) (all classes are absolutely needed for a premade)

4.Warrior (corrected)

Could live without these classes in WSG and be fine




note: a well played class of any kind is better than someone that doesn't know what the "H" they are doing but equal skill this is my rank.
Totally Agree :) but i do beleive pallies and locks can be used well in wsg :) rogue on the other hand, atm, no thanks
The only classes I absolutely wouldn't premade without are an FC Druid, CC Mage, and O Priest.
1. Druid

2. Mage

3. Priest
1) Druid

2) Mage

3) Priest

4) Shaman

5) Warrior

6) Paladin (Purley because he can HoF the shaman / priest healing the druid imo.








I do not agree with this thread. Any class is important if used in the right combination of other classes.

A rogue / ret is really strong in an offensive where you can lock down enemy flag carrier from running for example.

you can't kill a fc if he has buffs hots and an agm helping him.

Top teir: Druid, Priest, Mage

no im saying id pick thos 6 classes first. then fill the other 4 with maybe 2 hunters, 1 lock 1 rogue or somthing in that combination :)
Listed in order of Importance:

1. Druid - Best flag carrier all around. A team without a Druid FC has almost no chance of survival with a good O on them.

2. Mage - Need I say it? Crowd control. Having even one of these on D or sometimes even on O can provide frustration for healers and some Dps (Locks mostly).

3. Priest - Best healer all around. Hots / Dispells / Fear

4. Warrior / Shaman - Best trap classes. Warrior brings on the pressure on a FC while shaman can do this as well as slow down the O when played well on D.

5. Hunter / Lock - Main reason these two classes are tied is because they are virtually the highest potential damage classes in a warsong. Hunters bring slows on FCs as well as retarded damage. Locks are great for fearing healers/mages on D and gaining the upperhand in burst potential on an FC.

6. Paladin - This class is seeing more popularity but in the wrong direction. Holy paladins used to be quite good and a lot of them used to be around until some unneccesary nerfs to the class and buffs to other healers. Of course the game isn't balanced around low level pvp now is it? :p *Note* As far as ret goes, they have decent burst when things go their way.

7. Rogue - Unfortunately this class used to be king of dps back in the day and now have fallen quite short of it's once glory days back in tbc/vanilla twinking. Quite honestly, if a buff ever happened for a class concerning low level pvp, this class should be suggested. Maybe a poison that lasts half duration of normal crippling and less proc chance? Or they could of course fix icy... (fat chance of that happening lol).

Moardotz said:
7. Rogue - Unfortunately this class used to be king of dps back in the day and now have fallen quite short of it's once glory days back in tbc/vanilla twinking. Quite honestly, if a buff ever happened for a class concerning low level pvp, this class should be suggested. Maybe a poison that lasts half duration of normal crippling and less proc chance? Or they could of course fix icy... (fat chance of that happening lol).

Ironically, the main reason they fell off is that they (rogues) made twinking so popular in the first place. Popularity lead to a greater variety of classes. Back in the Vanilla/early TBC days, there weren't as many twinks. Twinking a rogue was easy since stam and agility enchants were relatively cheap and the rogue's ability to dual wield AND have an instant strike made the fiery enchant very potent.

Non-twinks simply couldn't live through the burst of two sinister strikes, a MH hit, an OH hit, and a fiery proc or two all within 1 second.

Easy + Powerful = lots of Rogue twinks in the early days.

There's no doubt that Rogues have been on the short end of buffs, but they fact that the classes with the tools to stop them are now twinked out and using those tools has been much more devastating.

Back on topic:

1) Druids/Hunters

2) Priests/Shamans

3) Mages

4) Pallys, Locks, Warrs

9) Rogues

Druids are best at carrying the flag, Hunters are best at damaging the flag carrier, Priests are best at healing the FC, and Shamans are best at countering Priests.

Mages are nice, just not as important as the top 4, IMO. The three below Mages...my only thought on seeing them in a pug is "well...at least it's not a Rogue".

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