I lol'd so hard when I saw who posted this, bhahhahahahahahhaahha
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enuf said
(Lolroguejoke = Lecro)
Haha I'm certainly not Lecro dunno who you are.
You've stooped low, when you can't even stand up for your own name.........................................................
Whats the damn problem with them wintradeing? is it because you cant do it yourself? find some buddys and go wintrade yourself. noone cares if they wintraded or not. life goes on anyway whatever happens
he did it yesterday xd
he did it yesterday xd
then why on eaaarrthhh would he QQ that much :3
Whats the damn problem with them wintradeing? is it because you cant do it yourself? find some buddys and go wintrade yourself. noone cares if they wintraded or not. life goes on anyway whatever happens
As said before, I did it legit at 90.
Armory link plx
Sorry, going for r1 and I don't want so many 2.7k players following me into the battlegroup. You must understand
As said before, I did it legit at 90.
ye me too ,kipale XD what a stupid tactic XD i laughed as fucked but i still luv ya bruvi agree with nisse <3
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well kipale so much gold/euro u wasted for arena/rbg boosts and wintrading... mmr abusing is so much easier and totally free, you just need a few subhumans to do it