Rank 1 2v2 EU

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LOL, his staff was so epic i had to use two hands, then it shot a bolt all over me and forced me to lay on the ground. xP

What did I just read, keep your fake social life to yourself, belongs noway near this thread.
was a joke, dont get all uppity
i should've been #1 our battlegroup 2210 over xavizi's team but ive just left my team.

Cyclone/wiblestrom is battlegroup, as im aware the 2210 is the highest in atm.
cool ratings! 70 seems like a good joke atm, when is someone going to wintrade to 2.7k this season?

Edit: I dont get why people are so puzzled about multiple teams having r1 on armory.

I wouldnt believe u guys have such little knowledge that u dont know that rankings are seperate per battlegroup
impressive.. Mage priest double tazik, how did you even lose 2? lmao
SwematteogErik @ Rampage / Saccage - Game Guide - World of Warcraft, Got 2 losses, one is against shadowmeldx when I queued into him with a random priest in the guild, nontheless the second one was a DC against some random mage priest , but they were pretty terrible :(, but yea. Just queueing for fun so to speak (= rbg teams feel free to PM me and maybe we can setup something.
Also if anyone above 2,2k mmr wants to queue against us in 2s , feel free cause I do not wanna sit all night in 8 minutes queue to maintain rank one like someone else, not gonna name and shame anyone souljah duos (=
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Hahaha lol, Redbulled, the funny thing is just that everyone on that rating plays RP or MP and 95% got Synapse or Tazik tbh and the 2 losses came from dc's lol.
And Cyb, we dont play at night for 8 min queue's, we only play mid of the day to get some queues with some higher mmr;)players, so we dont got +0 or +1 ;)
Dunno r1 in 2vs is deffo Shadowmeldx and Cyber, that mage/priest named Souljah are horrible, and farmed 1-2 pointers in the middle of the night
we dont play at night for 8 min queue's, we only play mid of the day to get some queues with some higher mmr;)players, so we dont got +0 or +1 ;)
Did I miss the logic in this respond or what "100 wins 2 losses = 2,4k" "40 wins 2 losses = 2,4k" high mmr. Yeah right bruv ^^, I though I passed the 3rd grade math but apperently I might have to retake it :/
Did I miss the logic in this respond or what "100 wins 2 losses = 2,4k" "40 wins 2 losses = 2,4k" high mmr. Yeah right bruv ^^, I though I passed the 3rd grade math but apperently I might have to retake it :/

Idd its not logic, but it aint my fault that we dont queue into Shadowmeldx and Cyberskurk. We've asked them few times, only 1 time they could, and we did Rbg at the time. :)

Idk if they wintrade or what they do to have that high rating with so low win/loss, maybe just lucky getting some higher mmr people
Well Shadowmeldx, ive talked to Cyberskurk, and we will gladly face you in 2s, and Cyanerd just shut your mouth like wtf, we're horrible? Gogo wintrade 3,1k bro. Cyber even said u guys did in another thread.
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