Ranged for a Warrior

bah, just bought the mail BoA one ._.
Just open a ticket and say you meant to buy the other one. I got my shoulders refunded almost a year after I bought them, they are VERY lenient
mail chest/leather shoulder -> lil more dmg

leather chest/mail shoulder -> lil more stam

just get the missing piece with the next badges^^

until then the ring is your best choice.
well, having 13 is better than 10 if you need at least 11.

BoA bow provides the missing 1, but i prefer a throwing weapon. remember, nelfs need additional hit anyways, so it is not bad to stick to the belt.

if the warry is alliance the benefit is arena only^^

tbh, if you choose LC/MS you are going for stam and deviate scale belt is BiS in that case. belt + drape are 7hit...combine it with either chest or shoulder to cap.

only hunters and pallys can use [item]Lavishly Jeweled Ring[/item] to cap with the chest.
you won't be over the cap. the absolute cap is 7% in arena and 5% in WSG for ally. those pesky nelfs get an extra 2% miss vs them when you're fighting them, especially more important since the majority of ally hunters in arena are nelfs

however tbh Bansil's point about leathershoulder + mail chest= more dmg and mail shoulder + leather chest = more survivability still stands since missing a hamstring mitigates your survivability somewhat. personally i would take BoA chest, deviate and spidersilk cape but i may be a little biased towards Hit somewhat since when playing my shaman i tend to roll with 9 rating even tho i have the draenie racial, i cant stand EB or wind shear missing on those pesky tauren and belfs
I'll probably be rolling with BoA leather + deviate scale + spidersilk drape, even though he is alliance :p and I go LC/MC because I don't like leather shoulders on a warrior XD

also, I thought nelfs only got 2% more dodge?

Reduces the chance that melee and ranged attackers will hit you by 2%.
Yea, it use to be during the 2.~~~ patchs, during back when [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM0hVLxiT5Y&feature=channel_page"]this was possible :p[/ame]
At level ten it gives like 56%...

Im guessing at level twenty its not 23%

maybe like 2 - 5% maybe?

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