Random observation yo

Ye but why they mostly white doe?

You dont see black ppl attending gay or furry rallies or be cuckolds

Probably because around 85-90% of the US is white.
The issue is the VAST majority of homosexuals live out their lives just like heterosexuals with a few exceptions. I have a lesbian couple that live next door to me. They have been together for over 25 years. They own a house together, have professional lives and do things that heterosexual couples do. The difference? They are two women...
The media only showcases the LOUD and obnoxious homosexuals. The people that will get them ratings. A story about an everyday couple would not made anyone MAD. Nor would it make anyone fight for their cause. But a bunch of people marching in the streets might.

The press always has an ulterior motive. Never forget the number one motive is ratings, not to give information.


Yeah but you don't see people having straight pride parades and marching up and down the streets asking for tolerance lmao (it's weird as hell when homosexuals do it in the US meanwhile in Russia gays get arrested and beat up/killed on the streets for being gay). That's why I think they should just keep their homosexuality to themselves (same thing with straight people) instead of asking for more tolerance over here because they have it a lot better compared to other countries that's for sure.
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Probably because around 85-90% of the US is white.

Depending on your definition of "white" the US population is a little under 64% "white". Of coarse that varies wildly by region. For instance, there are many states that have less than 50% "white", while some may have over 90%.

Yeah but you don't see people having straight pride parades and marching up and down the streets asking for tolerance lmao (it's weird as hell when homosexuals do it in the US meanwhile in Russia gays get arrested and beat up/killed on the streets for being gay). That's why I think they should just keep their homosexuality to themselves (same thing with straight people) instead of asking for more tolerance over here because they have it a lot better compared to other countries that's for sure.

That is what makes living in the Land of the Free so awesome!
The 1st Admendment. And the 2nd makes sure we get to keep the 1st!

Could you rephrase why you think homosexuals should keep their sexual orientation to themselves? I don't get your point.

Do you see straight people parading up and down the streets and yelling straight pride? A lot of homosexuals Beg to be seen and heard when everyone knows they have the same amount of freedom that everyone else has in the US yet homosexuals still want to ask for more when they feel left out and push for "equal rights". When in reality, places like Russia beat up, arrest and sometimes kill gay people on the streets because they do not tolerate homosexuality. My point was, instead of parading up and down the streets asking for equality as a homosexual, be thankful that the US isn't like Russia when it comes to homosexuality. There's tons of videos on the Internet that prove how bad it is in other places, and that's why a lot of people in the US take for granted what they have when people in other countries have it a lot worse, it's just best to keep it to yourself which is what I am trying to say.
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Do you see straight people parading up and down the streets and yelling straight pride? A lot of homosexuals Beg to be seen and heard when everyone knows they have the same amount of freedom that everyone else has in the US yet homosexuals still want to ask for more when they feel left out and push for "equal rights". When in reality, places like Russia beat up, arrest and sometimes kill gay people on the streets because they do not tolerate homosexuality. My point was, instead of parading up and down the streets asking for equality as a homosexual, be thankful that the US isn't like Russia when it comes to homosexuality. There's tons of videos on the Internet that prove how bad it is in other places, and that's why a lot of people in the US take for granted what they have when people in other countries have it a lot worse, it's just best to keep it to yourself which is what I am trying to say.

What I'm not getting is why not both? Why not be grateful for the freedom they already enjoy while also having pride marches and asking for more?
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[MENTION=21857]FrozenWill[/MENTION] I hear you. Many people like the spotlight. They beckon the spotlight. They beg for it.
Take TI for example. How many people here are constantly calling attention to themselves each and every day. They want to be "special snowflakes". This site is perfect case study for such things.

After all, why do you think it was chosen?

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What I'm not getting is why not both? Why not be grateful for the freedom they already enjoy while also having pride marches and asking for "equality, equal rights, more" etc?

Homosexuals do have "equal rights" here in the US. It is illegal to not treat everyone the same. It has been for decades. Homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals in the US.

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The issue is the VAST majority of homosexuals live out their lives just like heterosexuals with a few exceptions. I have a lesbian couple that live next door to me. They have been together for over 25 years. They own a house together, have professional lives and do things that heterosexual couples do. The difference? They are two women...
The media only showcases the LOUD and obnoxious homosexuals. The people that will get them ratings. A story about an everyday couple would not made anyone MAD. Nor would it make anyone fight for their cause. But a bunch of people marching in the streets might.

The press always has an ulterior motive. Never forget the number one motive is ratings, not to give information.


That lesbian couple enjoys the freedom fought for by many parade goers. Loud, proud and in your face. Good on them.
Is this another century?

Are posters here seriously threatened by displays of open sexuality? Oh wait, this is a keyboard warrior forum.
That lesbian couple enjoys the freedom fought for by many parade goers. Loud, proud and in your face. Good on them.

How are they in any one's "face"? They go about their lives just like any one else would. They come over when we have block parties. They invite us and the other neighbors over during the Summer for pool parties. Normal, neighborhood stuff. The only difference is, instead of being a male/female couple, they are a female/female couple. If you all can't understand that or get by it, I kind of feel sorry for you.
They enjoy the freedoms that were given to them by our men and women that fought/fight for our freedom each and every day. Not by jokesters in a parade. Who do you think "fought" for the freedom of speech parade goers?
Is this another century?

Are posters here seriously threatened by displays of open sexuality? Oh wait, this is a keyboard warrior forum.

You have to factor in the age, maturity, culture and locale of some of the posters. When all of that is factored in, perhaps your full picture will come into focus.

Up until a few months ago they were killing infant females in China. Unless they lucky enough to be adopted here in the US.
To most of us, that is unbelievable. Think of it, killing a helpless infant. But to them, that is how they see them ensuring the culture's existence. After decades of doing this they now have too male and not enough females. Which means many many males will die single. And in China, they have no retirement plan. The children take care of their parents. Which means all these men will have no one to take care of them. Unless....
Some of these little girls now take on more than one husband and believe it or not that is what they are suggesting. Wife sharing...
Ain't Communism grand!!!

We do not even want to go into how Muslims treat women and "lesser" people.

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How are they in any one's "face"?

Not the couple, the paraders.
Even Modern Family is more enlightened than this thread. Remember the joke about avoiding the parade because of traffic?

So many have worked quietly and loudly to get beyond tolerance towards inclusion. The loud ones give courage and confront in a way that should be considered much less threatening than displaying weaponry. The motive is to celebrate and DISarm the fear.

What's sad is your need to pander to the fearful, instead of calling them out.
What I'm not getting is why not both? Why not be grateful for the freedom they already enjoy while also having pride marches and asking for "equality, equal rights, more" etc?

There's a difference between being grateful and asking for more. Everyone has equal rights in the US so why should they feel different than anyone else? In that case, they would not feel the need to publicly walk the streets in large numbers telling everyone they need more "equality".
[MENTION=24456]PepeLePewPew[/MENTION], you want to oppress people who hate homosexuality. Because of that, people who hate homosexuality might fear you and what you might do to them if they state their differing opinion.

I don't support hate, but is hate speech not part of free speech? Is equality not for people who hate homosexuals? It's because you've taken the stance, "other people should be free from hate, free from oppression," that you hate on and oppress people who hate on and oppress other people. Sorry to mix replies to multiple posters.
Is this another century?

Are posters here seriously threatened by displays of open sexuality? Oh wait, this is a keyboard warrior forum.

No one said anything about being afraid of open sexuality lmao and that's kind of dumb to assume people who are against homosexual parading are "keyboard warriors" when there are like less than 4% of people who are homosexual in the military who fight for a real cause and don't parade up and down the street asking for equality when people who are in the military start out with less than minimum wage and don't complain about it on the street. Like I said, everyone is equal in the US and calling people who you think are homophobic "keyboard warriors" isn't right.
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Not the couple, the paraders.
Even Modern Family is more enlightened than this thread. Remember the joke about avoiding the parade because of traffic?

So many have worked quietly and loudly to get beyond tolerance towards inclusion. The loud ones give courage and confront in a way that should be considered much less threatening than displaying weaponry. The motive is to celebrate and DISarm the fear.

What's sad is your need to pander to the fearful, instead of calling them out.

The US has been taking PC lessons from it's European cousins. Fortunately the silent majority is finally starting to wake up.
You are correct, it is sad. When someone from the majority stands up and yells that is not right. That is not what we want. They get "labeled". And these people that stand up lose their careers. It is a favorite tactic of the minority. So people are afraid to stand against them. Except one person. Can anyone guess who that person is? That is because that person has nothing to lose. And he won't let them intimidate him. And they hate him because of it.


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