So where is your dad?
Ye but why they mostly white doe?
You dont see black ppl attending gay or furry rallies or be cuckolds
The issue is the VAST majority of homosexuals live out their lives just like heterosexuals with a few exceptions. I have a lesbian couple that live next door to me. They have been together for over 25 years. They own a house together, have professional lives and do things that heterosexual couples do. The difference? They are two women...
The media only showcases the LOUD and obnoxious homosexuals. The people that will get them ratings. A story about an everyday couple would not made anyone MAD. Nor would it make anyone fight for their cause. But a bunch of people marching in the streets might.
The press always has an ulterior motive. Never forget the number one motive is ratings, not to give information.
Probably because around 85-90% of the US is white.
Yeah but you don't see people having straight pride parades and marching up and down the streets asking for tolerance lmao (it's weird as hell when homosexuals do it in the US meanwhile in Russia gays get arrested and beat up/killed on the streets for being gay). That's why I think they should just keep their homosexuality to themselves (same thing with straight people) instead of asking for more tolerance over here because they have it a lot better compared to other countries that's for sure.
Could you rephrase why you think homosexuals should keep their sexual orientation to themselves? I don't get your point.
Do you see straight people parading up and down the streets and yelling straight pride? A lot of homosexuals Beg to be seen and heard when everyone knows they have the same amount of freedom that everyone else has in the US yet homosexuals still want to ask for more when they feel left out and push for "equal rights". When in reality, places like Russia beat up, arrest and sometimes kill gay people on the streets because they do not tolerate homosexuality. My point was, instead of parading up and down the streets asking for equality as a homosexual, be thankful that the US isn't like Russia when it comes to homosexuality. There's tons of videos on the Internet that prove how bad it is in other places, and that's why a lot of people in the US take for granted what they have when people in other countries have it a lot worse, it's just best to keep it to yourself which is what I am trying to say.
What I'm not getting is why not both? Why not be grateful for the freedom they already enjoy while also having pride marches and asking for "equality, equal rights, more" etc?
The issue is the VAST majority of homosexuals live out their lives just like heterosexuals with a few exceptions. I have a lesbian couple that live next door to me. They have been together for over 25 years. They own a house together, have professional lives and do things that heterosexual couples do. The difference? They are two women...
The media only showcases the LOUD and obnoxious homosexuals. The people that will get them ratings. A story about an everyday couple would not made anyone MAD. Nor would it make anyone fight for their cause. But a bunch of people marching in the streets might.
The press always has an ulterior motive. Never forget the number one motive is ratings, not to give information.
That lesbian couple enjoys the freedom fought for by many parade goers. Loud, proud and in your face. Good on them.
Is this another century?
Are posters here seriously threatened by displays of open sexuality? Oh wait, this is a keyboard warrior forum.
How are they in any one's "face"?
What I'm not getting is why not both? Why not be grateful for the freedom they already enjoy while also having pride marches and asking for "equality, equal rights, more" etc?
Is this another century?
Are posters here seriously threatened by displays of open sexuality? Oh wait, this is a keyboard warrior forum.
Not the couple, the paraders.
Even Modern Family is more enlightened than this thread. Remember the joke about avoiding the parade because of traffic?
So many have worked quietly and loudly to get beyond tolerance towards inclusion. The loud ones give courage and confront in a way that should be considered much less threatening than displaying weaponry. The motive is to celebrate and DISarm the fear.
What's sad is your need to pander to the fearful, instead of calling them out.