Raise your hand if


You realize when it comes to competition this bracket is shit

I'll wait patiently

We all know the above is true, this bracket is strictly for fun and winding down killing Jajas at end of the day.

So let's not let us try to build it in to something it's not or nerd rage when others say what I said above.

Metro out, happy new year

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male lvl 24 blood elf huntard complaining about missing competition, best troll thread of the month
Why even make a post about this, your playing a 24 hunter, half the time you running with other 24's. This bracket is made up of mostly 20's what do you expect? Do run in a 5 man 24 premade every time? No.

This is a silly post to make.
[MENTION=7986]Livingforce[/MENTION] I have not played hunter since Moby dick was a minnow and just thought people needed reality check
Random queueing and expecting competition, top lel.

If not maby limit your team composition? (One of each spec allowed. No Spriests) Could open up options for people to play underrated classes and specs? One Hunter/Rogue, with a 2 stealth comp max so efc cant be open on and insta gibd.

If not, maby the people you play with lack the cognitive skills required to be decent enough players.
Maybe update the terms "cool story bro" and. "U mad" need to retire though they have distinguished service

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Wait so paying for free content... and dedicating a toon and your time to one shoting people does not make for competitive games?

Regardless of the obvious silliness; p2p 20-24 was never meant to be competitive, it was meant to one shot and face roll, which is what some people are looking for, and good for them that they have found an outlet for that. I don't see any evidence that people are trying to make this bracket more 'serious' than that.
You realize when it comes to competition this bracket is shit

I'll wait patiently

We all know the above is true, this bracket is strictly for fun and winding down killing Jajas at end of the day.

That also describes the origin of twinking.
Lets just say... If youre playing in this bracket for competitive matches, youre doing it wrong.

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